[PATCH UNTESTED v5 0/4] Orange Pi 5 Ultra

Johannes Erdfelt johannes at erdfelt.com
Fri Feb 21 15:13:40 PST 2025

On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, Jimmy Hon <honyuenkwun at gmail.com> wrote:
> This patchset is looking for testers. I do not have the hardware to test.

I do have hardware and I gave your branch[1] a test.

The following things tested successfully for me:
- Kernel boots
- Ethernet
- Micro SD card
- eMMC
- Bottom M.2 M-key slot (using an NVME drive)
- USB 2.0 ports
- Blue LED (using heartbeat trigger at least)

I did not test:
- Analog audio
- Mali GPU
- Heat sink fan

However, neither of the USB 3.0 ports work. There are no XHCI messages
during boot. I confirmed my kernel config does build XHCI. I haven't
ruled out a mistake on my end yet.

Also, the green LED is constantly lit even when the trigger is set to
none and the brightness is set to 0. This made is a bit harder to
confirm that the blue LED was working. I haven't ruled out a mistake on
my end for this one yet either.

I'll also see if I can give HDMI a test.


[1] https://github.com/jimmyhon/linux/tree/integrate-6.15

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