[PATCH v5 09/14] tools/nolibc: add missing my_syscall6() for mips

Zhangjin Wu falcon at tinylab.org
Wed Jun 28 06:37:29 PDT 2023

It is able to pass the 6th argument like the 5th argument via the stack
for mips, let's add a new my_syscall6() now, see [1] for details:

  The mips/o32 system call convention passes arguments 5 through 8 on
  the user stack.

Both mmap() and pselect6() require my_syscall6().

[1]: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/syscall.2.html

Signed-off-by: Zhangjin Wu <falcon at tinylab.org>
 tools/include/nolibc/arch-mips.h | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/include/nolibc/nolibc.h    |  9 ++++-----
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/include/nolibc/arch-mips.h b/tools/include/nolibc/arch-mips.h
index 55a9f01825e0..a8b33d6914a4 100644
--- a/tools/include/nolibc/arch-mips.h
+++ b/tools/include/nolibc/arch-mips.h
@@ -176,6 +176,31 @@ struct sys_stat_struct {
 	_arg4 ? -_num : _num;							\
+#define my_syscall6(num, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)			\
+({										\
+	register long _num __asm__ ("v0")  = (num);				\
+	register long _arg1 __asm__ ("a0") = (long)(arg1);			\
+	register long _arg2 __asm__ ("a1") = (long)(arg2);			\
+	register long _arg3 __asm__ ("a2") = (long)(arg3);			\
+	register long _arg4 __asm__ ("a3") = (long)(arg4);			\
+	register long _arg5 = (long)(arg5);					\
+	register long _arg6 = (long)(arg6);					\
+										\
+	__asm__ volatile (							\
+		"addiu $sp, $sp, -32\n"						\
+		"sw %7, 16($sp)\n"						\
+		"sw %8, 20($sp)\n"						\
+		"syscall\n  "							\
+		"addiu $sp, $sp, 32\n"						\
+		: "=r" (_num), "=r"(_arg4)					\
+		: "0"(_num),							\
+		  "r"(_arg1), "r"(_arg2), "r"(_arg3), "r"(_arg4), "r"(_arg5),	\
+		  "r"(_arg6)							\
+	);									\
+	_arg4 ? -_num : _num;							\
 char **environ __attribute__((weak));
 const unsigned long *_auxv __attribute__((weak));
diff --git a/tools/include/nolibc/nolibc.h b/tools/include/nolibc/nolibc.h
index 05a228a6ee78..1f8d821000ac 100644
--- a/tools/include/nolibc/nolibc.h
+++ b/tools/include/nolibc/nolibc.h
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
  * Syscalls are split into 3 levels:
  *   - The lower level is the arch-specific syscall() definition, consisting in
  *     assembly code in compound expressions. These are called my_syscall0() to
- *     my_syscall6() depending on the number of arguments. The MIPS
- *     implementation is limited to 5 arguments. All input arguments are cast
- *     to a long stored in a register. These expressions always return the
- *     syscall's return value as a signed long value which is often either a
- *     pointer or the negated errno value.
+ *     my_syscall6() depending on the number of arguments. All input arguments
+ *     are castto a long stored in a register. These expressions always return
+ *     the syscall's return value as a signed long value which is often either
+ *     a pointer or the negated errno value.
  *   - The second level is mostly architecture-independent. It is made of
  *     static functions called sys_<name>() which rely on my_syscallN()

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