[RFC PATCH v3 2/5] riscv/cmpxchg: Deduplicate cmpxchg() asm and macros

Leonardo Bras leobras at redhat.com
Fri Aug 4 01:48:55 PDT 2023

In this header every cmpxchg define (_relaxed, _acquire, _release,
vanilla) contain it's own asm file, both for 4-byte variables an 8-byte
variables, on a total of 8 versions of mostly the same asm.

This is usually bad, as it means any change may be done in up to 8
different places.

Unify those versions by creating a new define with enough parameters to
generate any version of the previous 8.

Then unify the result under a more general define, and simplify
arch_cmpxchg* generation

(This did not cause any change in generated asm)

Signed-off-by: Leonardo Bras <leobras at redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Andrea Parri <parri.andrea at gmail.com>
 arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h | 187 +++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h b/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
index ec4ea4f3f908..5a07646fae65 100644
--- a/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
+++ b/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
@@ -71,127 +71,40 @@
  * store NEW in MEM.  Return the initial value in MEM.  Success is
  * indicated by comparing RETURN with OLD.
-#define __cmpxchg_relaxed(ptr, old, new, size)				\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __old = (old);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;					\
-	register unsigned int __rc;					\
-	switch (size) {							\
-	case 4:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.w %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" ((long)__old), "rJ" (__new)		\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	case 8:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.d %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" (__old), "rJ" (__new)			\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	default:							\
-		BUILD_BUG();						\
-	}								\
-	__ret;								\
-#define arch_cmpxchg_relaxed(ptr, o, n)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);					\
-	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg_relaxed((ptr),			\
-					_o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
-#define __cmpxchg_acquire(ptr, old, new, size)				\
+#define __arch_cmpxchg(lr_sfx, sc_sfx, prepend, append, r, p, co, o, n)	\
 ({									\
-	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __old = (old);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;					\
 	register unsigned int __rc;					\
-	switch (size) {							\
-	case 4:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.w %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" ((long)__old), "rJ" (__new)		\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	case 8:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.d %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" (__old), "rJ" (__new)			\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	default:							\
-		BUILD_BUG();						\
-	}								\
-	__ret;								\
-#define arch_cmpxchg_acquire(ptr, o, n)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);					\
-	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg_acquire((ptr),			\
-					_o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
+									\
+	__asm__ __volatile__ (						\
+		prepend							\
+		"0:	lr" lr_sfx " %0, %2\n"				\
+		"	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"				\
+		"	sc" sc_sfx " %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
+		"	bnez %1, 0b\n"					\
+		append							\
+		"1:\n"							\
+		: "=&r" (r), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*(p))			\
+		: "rJ" (co o), "rJ" (n)					\
+		: "memory");						\
-#define __cmpxchg_release(ptr, old, new, size)				\
+#define _arch_cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, sc_sfx, prepend, append)		\
 ({									\
 	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
 	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __old = (old);				\
 	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);				\
 	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;					\
-	register unsigned int __rc;					\
-	switch (size) {							\
+									\
+	switch (sizeof(*__ptr)) {					\
 	case 4:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.w %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" ((long)__old), "rJ" (__new)		\
-			: "memory");					\
+		__arch_cmpxchg(".w", ".w" sc_sfx, prepend, append,	\
+				__ret, __ptr, (long), __old, __new);	\
 		break;							\
 	case 8:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.d %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" (__old), "rJ" (__new)			\
-			: "memory");					\
+		__arch_cmpxchg(".d", ".d" sc_sfx, prepend, append,	\
+				__ret, __ptr, /**/, __old, __new);	\
 		break;							\
 	default:							\
 		BUILD_BUG();						\
@@ -199,62 +112,20 @@
 	__ret;								\
-#define arch_cmpxchg_release(ptr, o, n)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);					\
-	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg_release((ptr),			\
-					_o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
+#define arch_cmpxchg_relaxed(ptr, o, n)					\
+	_arch_cmpxchg((ptr), (o), (n), "", "", "")
-#define __cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, size)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __old = (old);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;					\
-	register unsigned int __rc;					\
-	switch (size) {							\
-	case 4:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.w.rl %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"	fence rw, rw\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" ((long)__old), "rJ" (__new)		\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	case 8:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.d.rl %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"	fence rw, rw\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" (__old), "rJ" (__new)			\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	default:							\
-		BUILD_BUG();						\
-	}								\
-	__ret;								\
+#define arch_cmpxchg_acquire(ptr, o, n)					\
+	_arch_cmpxchg((ptr), (o), (n), "", "", RISCV_ACQUIRE_BARRIER)
+#define arch_cmpxchg_release(ptr, o, n)					\
+	_arch_cmpxchg((ptr), (o), (n), "", RISCV_RELEASE_BARRIER, "")
 #define arch_cmpxchg(ptr, o, n)						\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);					\
-	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg((ptr),				\
-				       _o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
+	_arch_cmpxchg((ptr), (o), (n), ".rl", "", "	fence rw, rw\n")
 #define arch_cmpxchg_local(ptr, o, n)					\
-	(__cmpxchg_relaxed((ptr), (o), (n), sizeof(*(ptr))))
+	arch_cmpxchg_relaxed((ptr), (o), (n))
 #define arch_cmpxchg64(ptr, o, n)					\
 ({									\

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