[PATCH V10 13/19] RISC-V: paravirt: pvqspinlock: Remove unnecessary definitions of cmpxchg & xchg

guoren at kernel.org guoren at kernel.org
Wed Aug 2 09:46:55 PDT 2023

From: Guo Ren <guoren at linux.alibaba.com>

The custom xchg/cmpxchg_release macro definitions have no
difference from the common code from the binary view. The
xchg32/64 macro definitions have been abandoned in Linux. Thus,
remove all of them.

This is a preparation for the next cmpxchg_small & xchg8 patches.

Signed-off-by: Guo Ren <guoren at linux.alibaba.com>
Signed-off-by: Guo Ren <guoren at kernel.org>
 arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h | 93 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h b/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
index d12231d752a4..3ab37215ed86 100644
--- a/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
+++ b/arch/riscv/include/asm/cmpxchg.h
@@ -103,41 +103,6 @@ static inline ulong __xchg16_relaxed(ulong new, void *ptr)
 					    _x_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
-#define __xchg_release(ptr, new, size)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
-	__typeof__(new) __new = (new);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;					\
-	switch (size) {							\
-	case 4:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"	amoswap.w %0, %2, %1\n"			\
-			: "=r" (__ret), "+A" (*__ptr)			\
-			: "r" (__new)					\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	case 8:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"	amoswap.d %0, %2, %1\n"			\
-			: "=r" (__ret), "+A" (*__ptr)			\
-			: "r" (__new)					\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	default:							\
-		BUILD_BUG();						\
-	}								\
-	__ret;								\
-#define arch_xchg_release(ptr, x)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _x_ = (x);					\
-	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __xchg_release((ptr),			\
-					    _x_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
 #define __arch_xchg(ptr, new, size)					\
 ({									\
 	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
@@ -170,18 +135,6 @@ static inline ulong __xchg16_relaxed(ulong new, void *ptr)
 	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __arch_xchg((ptr), _x_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
-#define xchg32(ptr, x)							\
-({									\
-	BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*(ptr)) != 4);				\
-	arch_xchg((ptr), (x));						\
-#define xchg64(ptr, x)							\
-({									\
-	BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*(ptr)) != 8);				\
-	arch_xchg((ptr), (x));						\
  * Atomic compare and exchange.  Compare OLD with MEM, if identical,
  * store NEW in MEM.  Return the initial value in MEM.  Success is
@@ -277,52 +230,6 @@ static inline ulong __xchg16_relaxed(ulong new, void *ptr)
 					_o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
-#define __cmpxchg_release(ptr, old, new, size)				\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __old = (old);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __new = (new);				\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) __ret;					\
-	register unsigned int __rc;					\
-	switch (size) {							\
-	case 4:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.w %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne  %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.w %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" ((long)__old), "rJ" (__new)		\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	case 8:								\
-		__asm__ __volatile__ (					\
-			"0:	lr.d %0, %2\n"				\
-			"	bne %0, %z3, 1f\n"			\
-			"	sc.d %1, %z4, %2\n"			\
-			"	bnez %1, 0b\n"				\
-			"1:\n"						\
-			: "=&r" (__ret), "=&r" (__rc), "+A" (*__ptr)	\
-			: "rJ" (__old), "rJ" (__new)			\
-			: "memory");					\
-		break;							\
-	default:							\
-		BUILD_BUG();						\
-	}								\
-	__ret;								\
-#define arch_cmpxchg_release(ptr, o, n)					\
-({									\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _o_ = (o);					\
-	__typeof__(*(ptr)) _n_ = (n);					\
-	(__typeof__(*(ptr))) __cmpxchg_release((ptr),			\
-					_o_, _n_, sizeof(*(ptr)));	\
 #define __cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, size)					\
 ({									\
 	__typeof__(ptr) __ptr = (ptr);					\

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