[PATCH v5 1/4] mm: modify pte format for Svnapot

Qinglin Pan panqinglin2020 at iscas.ac.cn
Wed Oct 5 05:41:02 PDT 2022

On 10/5/22 3:15 PM, Andrew Jones wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 12:43:01PM +0800, Qinglin Pan wrote:
>> Hi Conor and Andrew,
>> On 10/5/22 2:33 AM, Conor Dooley wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 07:00:27PM +0200, Andrew Jones wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Oct 03, 2022 at 09:47:18PM +0800, panqinglin2020 at iscas.ac.cn wrote:
>>>>> +#define ALT_SVNAPOT_PTE_PFN(_val, _napot_shift, _pfn_mask, _pfn_shift)	\
>>>>> +asm(ALTERNATIVE("and %0, %0, %1\n\t"					\
>>>>> +		"srli %0, %0, %2\n\t"					\
>>>>> +		__nops(3),						\
>>>>> +		"srli t3, %0, %3\n\t"					\
>>>>> +		"and %0, %0, %1\n\t"					\
>>>>> +		"srli %0, %0, %2\n\t"					\
>>>>> +		"sub  t4, %0, t3\n\t"					\
>>>>> +		"and  %0, %0, t4",					\
>>>> This implements
>>>>     temp = ((pte & _PAGE_PFN_MASK) >> _PAGE_PFN_SHIFT);
>>>>     pfn = temp & (temp - (pte >> _PAGE_NAPOT_SHIFT));
>>>> which for a non-napot pte just returns the same as the non-napot
>>>> case would, but for a napot pte we return the same as the non-napot
>>>> case but with its first set bit cleared, wherever that first set
>>>> bit was. Can you explain to me why that's what we want to do?
>> For 64KB napot pte, (pte >> _PAGE_NAPOT_SHIFT) will get 1, and temp will be
>> something like 0xabcdabcdab8, but the correct pfn we expect should be
>> 0xabcdabcdab0. We can get it by calculating (temp & (temp - 1)).
>> So temp & (temp - (pte >> _PAGE_NAPOT_SHIFT)) will give correct pfn
>> both in non-napot and napot case:)
> I understood that and it makes sense to me for your example, where
> temp = 0xabcdabcdab8, as we effectively clear the lower four bits as
> expected (I think) for napot-order = 4. But, what if temp = 0xabcdabcdab0,
> then we'll get 0xabcdabcdaa0 for the napot case. Is that still correct?
> With the (temp & (temp - 1)) approach we'll always clear the first set
> bit, wherever it is, e.g. 0xabcd0000800 would be 0xabcd0000000.  Am I
> missing something about the expectations of the lower PPN bits of the PTE?

According to spec, when napot-order=4, the last 3 bit of temp will be 0, 
and the fourth bit from the bottom must be 1. All 16 PTEs will be the 
same. We'll always need to clear the first set bit of napot PTE's pfn.
The first set bit is used by MMU to determine this PTE's napot-order.


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