Help accessing a linear sram memory card with pcmciautils!

Dennis Arkeryd darkeryd at
Mon Apr 3 03:49:34 EDT 2006

Dominik Brodowski wrote:

Hi Dominik,

>On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 01:38:48PM +0200, Dennis Arkeryd wrote:
>>The installation of pcmciautils seems to be ok.
>>When I write "ls -l /sys/bus/pcmcia/devices/", the following shows up 
>>when a card is inserted to my card reader:
>0.0pcmcia-cs? This sounds strange. What's the output of
>lspcmcia -vv
>if the card is inserted?
Following output:

Socket 0 Bridge:        [yenta_cardbus]         (bus ID: 0000:05:05.0)
        Configuration:  state: suspended        ready: yes
                        Available IRQs: none
                        Available iomem:        0x00000100 - 0x000003af
                                                0x000003e0 - 0x000004ff
                                                0x00000820 - 0x000008ff
                                                0x00000a00 - 0x00000aff
                                                0x00000c00 - 0x00000cf7
                        Available ioports:      0x000d4000 - 0x000effff
                                                0x60000000 - 0x60ffffff
                                                0xa0000000 - 0xa0ffffff
Socket 1 Bridge:        [yenta_cardbus]         (bus ID: 0000:05:05.1)
        Configuration:  state: suspended        ready: yes
                        Voltage: 3.3V Vcc: 3.3V Vpp: 3.3V
                        Available IRQs: none
                        Available iomem:        0x00000100 - 0x000003af
                                                0x000003e0 - 0x000004ff
                                                0x00000820 - 0x000008ff
                                                0x00000a00 - 0x00000aff
                                                0x00000c00 - 0x00000cf7
                        Available ioports:      0x000d4000 - 0x000effff
                                                0x60000000 - 0x60ffffff
                                                0xa0000000 - 0xa0ffffff
Socket 1 Device 0:      [-- no driver --]       (bus ID: 1.0)
        Configuration:  state: suspended
        Product Name:
        Identification: prod_id(1): --- (---)
                        prod_id(2): --- (---)
                        prod_id(3): --- (---)
                        prod_id(4): --- (---)

The text from "Socket 1 Device 0:" and on only shows up if a card is 
inserted in socket.

>	Dominik
Kind Regards

/ Dennis

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