[linux-audio-user] snd-hdsp+cardbus=distortion -- the sagacontinues (cardbus driver=culprit?) MORE UPDATE

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sun Apr 4 11:53:28 BST 2004

>mainly the alsa guys who wrote the driver and know, how they access the
>bus system and the hardware, have to tell the pcmcia guys, who know,
>what's going on in the bus ... i CC'd this mail to the thomas
>charbonnel, paul davis and winfried ritsch, who wrote or maintain this
>driver and the alsa-devel list ...
>i doubt that i'm able to understand either the cardbus or the alsa side
>of the driver in a reasonable time ... 

there is no "cardbus side" of the driver.

a cardbus device appears to an ALSA driver (and i suspect to the
kernel as well) as a completely regular PCI device. unless you go
"fishing" for evidence, there is no way to tell that the device is not
a regular PCI device.

there is nothing in the ALSA driver for the HDSP that is conditional
on the h/w being a cardbus device or not, because we don't (and likely
can't) know that it is.

sorry. FWIW, i have an ENE 1411 and it works OK with my hdsp at period
sizes below a certain threshold. i don't know if its the same problem
or not.


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