[PATCH v3 blktests 2/2] nvme/059: add atomic write tests

Alan Adamson alan.adamson at oracle.com
Wed Feb 5 15:11:00 PST 2025

Tests basic atomic write functionality using NVMe devices
that support the AWUN and AWUPF Controller Atomic Parameters
and NAWUN and NAWUPF Namespace Atomic Parameters.

Testing areas include:

- Verify sysfs atomic write attributes are consistent with
  atomic write capablities advertised by the NVMe HW.

- Verify the atomic write paramters of statx are correct using

- Perform a pwritev2() (with and without RWF_ATOMIC flag) using
    - maximum byte size (atomic_write_unit_max_bytes)
    - a write larger than atomic_write_unit_max_bytes

Signed-off-by: Alan Adamson <alan.adamson at oracle.com>
 tests/nvme/059     | 147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/nvme/059.out |  10 +++
 2 files changed, 157 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tests/nvme/059
 create mode 100644 tests/nvme/059.out

diff --git a/tests/nvme/059 b/tests/nvme/059
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..24b2bec645a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/nvme/059
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
+# Copyright (C) 2025 Oracle and/or its affiliates
+# Test NVMe Atomic Writes
+. tests/nvme/rc
+. common/xfs
+DESCRIPTION="test atomic writes"
+requires() {
+	_nvme_requires
+	_have_program nvme
+	_have_xfs_io_atomic_write
+device_requires() {
+	_require_device_support_atomic_writes
+test_device() {
+	local ns_dev
+	local ctrl_dev
+	local queue_path
+	local nvme_awupf
+	local nvme_nsfeat
+	local nvme_nsabp
+	local atomic_max_bytes
+	local statx_atomic_max
+	local sysfs_atomic_max_bytes
+	local sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes
+	local sysfs_logical_block_size
+	local bytes_written
+	local bytes_to_write
+	local test_desc
+	echo "Running ${TEST_NAME}"
+	ns_dev=${TEST_DEV##*/}
+	ctrl_dev=${ns_dev%n*}
+	queue_path="${TEST_DEV_SYSFS}/queue/"
+	test_desc="TEST 1 - Verify sysfs attributes"
+	sysfs_logical_block_size=$(cat "$queue_path"/logical_block_size)
+	sysfs_max_hw_sectors_kb=$(cat "$queue_path"/max_hw_sectors_kb)
+	max_hw_bytes=$(( "$sysfs_max_hw_sectors_kb" * 1024 ))
+	sysfs_atomic_max_bytes=$(cat "$queue_path"/atomic_write_max_bytes)
+	sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes=$(cat "$queue_path"/atomic_write_unit_max_bytes)
+	sysfs_atomic_unit_min_bytes=$(cat "$queue_path"/atomic_write_unit_min_bytes)
+	if [ "$max_hw_bytes" -ge "$sysfs_atomic_max_bytes" ] &&
+		[ "$sysfs_atomic_max_bytes" -ge "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes" ] &&
+		[ "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes" -ge "$sysfs_atomic_unit_min_bytes" ]
+	then
+		echo "$test_desc - pass"
+	else
+		echo "$test_desc - fail $max_hw_bytes - $sysfs_max_hw_sectors_kb -" \
+			"$sysfs_atomic_max_bytes - $sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes -" \
+			"$sysfs_atomic_unit_min_bytes"
+	fi
+	test_desc="TEST 2 - Verify sysfs atomic_write_unit_max_bytes is consistent "
+	test_desc+="with NVMe AWUPF/NAWUPF"
+	nvme_nsfeat=$(nvme id-ns /dev/"${ns_dev}" | grep nsfeat | awk '{ print $3}')
+	nvme_nsabp=$((("$nvme_nsfeat" & 0x2) != 0))
+	if [ "$nvme_nsabp" = 1 ] # Check if NSABP is set
+	then
+		nvme_awupf=$(nvme id-ns /dev/"$ns_dev" | grep nawupf | awk '{ print $3}')
+		atomic_max_bytes=$(( ("$nvme_awupf" + 1) * "$sysfs_logical_block_size" ))
+	else
+		nvme_awupf=$(nvme id-ctrl /dev/"${ctrl_dev}" | grep awupf | awk '{ print $3}')
+		atomic_max_bytes=$(( ("$nvme_awupf" + 1) * "$sysfs_logical_block_size" ))
+	fi
+	if [ "$atomic_max_bytes" -le "$max_hw_bytes" ]
+	then
+		if [ "$atomic_max_bytes" = "$sysfs_atomic_max_bytes" ]
+		then
+			echo "$test_desc - pass"
+		else
+			echo "$test_desc - fail $nvme_nsabp - $atomic_max_bytes - $sysfs_atomic_max_bytes -" \
+				"$max_hw_bytes"
+		fi
+	else
+		if [ "$sysfs_atomic_max_bytes" = "$max_hw_bytes" ]
+		then
+			echo "$test_desc - pass"
+		else
+			echo "$test_desc - fail $nvme_nsabp - $atomic_max_bytes - $sysfs_atomic_max_bytes -" \
+				"$max_hw_bytes"
+		fi
+	fi
+	test_desc="TEST 3 - Verify statx is correctly reporting atomic_unit_max_bytes"
+	statx_atomic_max=$(run_xfs_io_xstat /dev/"$ns_dev" "stat.atomic_write_unit_max")
+	if [ "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes" = "$statx_atomic_max" ]
+	then
+		echo "$test_desc - pass"
+	else
+		echo "$test_desc - fail $statx_atomic_max - $sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes"
+	fi
+	test_desc="TEST 4 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes "\
+	test_desc+="with no RWF_ATOMIC"
+	# flag - pwritev2 should be succesful.
+        bytes_written=$(run_xfs_io_pwritev2 /dev/"$ns_dev" "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes")
+        if [ "$bytes_written" = "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes" ]
+        then
+                echo "$test_desc - pass"
+        else
+                echo "$test_desc - fail $bytes_written - $sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes"
+        fi
+	test_desc="TEST 5 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes with "
+	test_desc+="RWF_ATOMIC flag - pwritev2 should  be succesful"
+	bytes_written=$(run_xfs_io_pwritev2_atomic /dev/"$ns_dev" "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes")
+	if [ "$bytes_written" = "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes" ]
+	then
+		echo "$test_desc - pass"
+	else
+		echo "$test_desc - fail $bytes_written - $sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes"
+	fi
+	test_desc="TEST 6 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes + 1 logical "
+	test_desc+="block with no RWF_ATOMIC flag - pwritev2 should be succesful"
+	bytes_to_write=$(( "$sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes" + "$sysfs_logical_block_size" ))
+	bytes_written=$(run_xfs_io_pwritev2 /dev/"$ns_dev" "$bytes_to_write")
+	if [ "$bytes_written" = "$bytes_to_write" ]
+	then
+		echo "$test_desc - pass"
+	else
+		echo "$test_desc - fail $bytes_written - $bytes_to_write"
+	fi
+	test_desc="TEST 7 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes + logical "
+	test_desc+="block with RWF_ATOMIC flag - pwritev2 should not be succesful"
+	bytes_written=$(run_xfs_io_pwritev2_atomic /dev/"$ns_dev" "$bytes_to_write")
+	if [ "$bytes_written" = "" ]
+	then
+		echo "$test_desc - pass"
+	else
+		echo "$test_desc - fail $bytes_written - $bytes_to_write"
+	fi
+	echo "Test complete"
diff --git a/tests/nvme/059.out b/tests/nvme/059.out
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e803de35776f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/nvme/059.out
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Running nvme/059
+TEST 1 - Verify sysfs attributes - pass
+TEST 2 - Verify sysfs atomic_write_unit_max_bytes is consistent with NVMe AWUPF/NAWUPF - pass
+TEST 3 - Verify statx is correctly reporting atomic_unit_max_bytes - pass
+TEST 4 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes with no RWF_ATOMIC - pass
+TEST 5 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes with RWF_ATOMIC flag - pwritev2 should  be succesful - pass
+TEST 6 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes + 1 logical block with no RWF_ATOMIC flag - pwritev2 should be succesful - pass
+pwrite: Invalid argument
+TEST 7 - perform a pwritev2 with size of sysfs_atomic_unit_max_bytes + logical block with RWF_ATOMIC flag - pwritev2 should not be succesful - pass
+Test complete

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