[LSF/MM/BPF TOPIC] TP4129 KATO correctoins and clarification

Ballard, Curtis C (HPE Storage) curtis.ballard at hpe.com
Wed Feb 5 08:53:51 PST 2025

>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 06:48:20PM +0000, Ballard, Curtis C (HPE Storage) wrote:
>> If there are specific aspects of TP4129 that are broken, I would be interested in learning more about them and how they are broken.
>Serious Curtis, we've been through this a dozen times in the TWG.
>It just adds another best effort timer that is not better than the
>one that already is there.  But you guys insist on papering over it,
>an there is no real reason for Linux to adopt that.  (despite the pages
>long John rant).

Thanks for that response Christoph. It is really helpful to understand that
the concern is around the timer and the "best effort" aspects. I was aware that
concerns had been expressed on whether the timer was reliable and the TWG took
those seriously.

Reading between the lines on the term "best effort" I think that the concern
is that the timers don't provide a reliable technique to prevent the ghost
write data corruption issue that was discussed at LSF last year.

There was quite a bit of work to go through scenarios, and timer processing, to
address the concerns that the timer was a "best effort" (to reuse the term)
rather than a reliable method. I'm not aware of a scenario where applying the
timers, with the process described in TP4129, fails to provide a reliable 
assurance that it is safe to retry write commands.  While it is slower than
any of us would like, having a method to prevent the possibility of data
corruption seems like a worthy effort.

If there is a scenario where the timer management model described in TP4129
isn't a reliable method of determining that it is safe to retry write commands
then we need to do some investigation to see if we can resolve that issue.

I appreciate the comments on TP8028. I don't like how slow the timer method is
and really hope that we can continue to work on methods of making NVMe-oF
error detection and recovery faster, while maintaining data integrity. The
TP8028 effort is what we have in development and I'm optimistic that we'll be
able to discuss that model at LSF.  

Curtis Ballard
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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