[PATCH blktests v5 4/5] contrib: add remote target setup/cleanup script
Aurelien Aptel
aaptel at nvidia.com
Fri Dec 6 05:51:19 PST 2024
From: Daniel Wagner <dwagner at suse.de>
Use nvmetcli to setup/cleanup a remote soft target.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Wagner <dwagner at suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Aurelien Aptel <aaptel at nvidia.com>
contrib/nvme_target_control.py | 190 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
contrib/nvmet-subsys.jinja2 | 71 ++++++++++++
2 files changed, 261 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 contrib/nvme_target_control.py
create mode 100644 contrib/nvmet-subsys.jinja2
diff --git a/contrib/nvme_target_control.py b/contrib/nvme_target_control.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db77fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/nvme_target_control.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
+# blktests calls this script to setup/teardown remote targets. blktests passes
+# all relevant information via the command line, e.g. --hostnqn.
+# This script uses nvmetcli to setup the remote target (it depends on the REST
+# API feature [1]). There is not technical need for nvmetcli to use but it makes
+# it simple to setup a remote Linux box. If you want to setup someting else
+# you should to replace this part.
+# There are couple of global configuration options which need to be set.
+# Add ~/.config/blktests/nvme_target_control.toml file with something like:
+# [main]
+# skip_setup_cleanup=false
+# nvmetcli='/usr/bin/nvmetcli'
+# remote='http://nvmet.local:5000'
+# [host]
+# blkdev_type='device'
+# trtype='tcp'
+# hostnqn='nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:0f01fb42-9f7f-4856-b0b3-51e60b8de349'
+# hostid='0f01fb42-9f7f-4856-b0b3-51e60b8de349'
+# host_traddr=''
+# [subsys_0]
+# traddr=''
+# trsvid='4420'
+# subsysnqn='blktests-subsystem-1'
+# subsys_uuid='91fdba0d-f87b-4c25-b80f-db7be1418b9e'
+# This expects nvmetcli with the restapi service running on target.
+# Alternatively, you can skip the the target setup/cleanup completely
+# (skip_setup_cleanup) and run against a previously configured target.
+# [main]
+# skip_setup_cleanup=true
+# nvmetcli='/usr/bin/nvmetcli'
+# remote='http://nvmet.local:5000'
+# [host]
+# blkdev_type='device'
+# trtype='tcp'
+# hostnqn='nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:1a9e23dd-466e-45ca-9f43-a29aaf47cb21'
+# hostid='1a9e23dd-466e-45ca-9f43-a29aaf47cb21'
+# host_traddr=''
+# [subsys_0]
+# traddr=''
+# trsvid='4420'
+# subsysnqn='nqn.1988-11.com.dell:powerstore:00:f03028e73ef7D032D81E'
+# subsys_uuid='3a5c104c-ee41-38a1-8ccf-0968003d54e7'
+# blkdev='/dev/nullb0'
+# nvmetcli uses JSON configuration, thus this script creates a JSON configuration
+# using a jinja2 template. After this step we simple have to set the blktests
+# variable correctly and start blktests.
+# NVME_TARGET_CONTROL=~/blktests/contrib/nvme_target_control.py ./check nvme
+# [1] https://github.com/hreinecke/nvmetcli/tree/restapi
+import os
+# workaround for python<3.11
+ import tomllib
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ import pip._vendor.tomli as tomllib
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+XDG_CONFIG_HOME = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
+ XDG_CONFIG_HOME = os.environ.get('HOME') + '/.config'
+with open(f'{XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/blktests/nvme_target_control.toml', TOML_OPEN_MODE) as f:
+ config = tomllib.load(f)
+ nvmetcli = config['main']['nvmetcli']
+ remote = config['main']['remote']
+def gen_conf(conf):
+ basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(basepath))
+ template = environment.get_template('nvmet-subsys.jinja2')
+ filename = f'{conf["subsysnqn"]}.json'
+ content = template.render(conf)
+ with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(content)
+def target_setup(args):
+ if config['main']['skip_setup_cleanup']:
+ return
+ conf = {
+ 'subsysnqn': args.subsysnqn,
+ 'subsys_uuid': args.subsys_uuid,
+ 'hostnqn': args.hostnqn,
+ 'allowed_hosts': args.hostnqn,
+ 'ctrlkey': args.ctrlkey,
+ 'hostkey': args.hostkey,
+ 'blkdev': config['subsys_0']['blkdev'],
+ }
+ gen_conf(conf)
+ subprocess.call(['python3', nvmetcli, '--remote=' + remote,
+ 'restore', args.subsysnqn + '.json'])
+def target_cleanup(args):
+ if config['main']['skip_setup_cleanup']:
+ return
+ subprocess.call(['python3', nvmetcli, '--remote=' + remote,
+ 'clear', args.subsysnqn + '.json'])
+def target_config(args):
+ if args.show_blkdev_type:
+ print(config['host']['blkdev_type'])
+ elif args.show_trtype:
+ print(config['host']['trtype'])
+ elif args.show_hostnqn:
+ print(config['host']['hostnqn'])
+ elif args.show_hostid:
+ print(config['host']['hostid'])
+ elif args.show_host_traddr:
+ print(config['host']['host_traddr'])
+ elif args.show_traddr:
+ print(config['subsys_0']['traddr'])
+ elif args.show_trsvid:
+ print(config['subsys_0']['trsvid'])
+ elif args.show_subsysnqn:
+ print(config['subsys_0']['subsysnqn'])
+ elif args.show_subsys_uuid:
+ print(config['subsys_0']['subsys_uuid'])
+def build_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ sub = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)
+ setup = sub.add_parser('setup')
+ setup.add_argument('--subsysnqn', required=True)
+ setup.add_argument('--subsys-uuid', required=True)
+ setup.add_argument('--hostnqn', required=True)
+ setup.add_argument('--ctrlkey', default='')
+ setup.add_argument('--hostkey', default='')
+ setup.set_defaults(func=target_setup)
+ cleanup = sub.add_parser('cleanup')
+ cleanup.add_argument('--subsysnqn', required=True)
+ cleanup.set_defaults(func=target_cleanup)
+ config = sub.add_parser('config')
+ config.add_argument('--show-blkdev-type', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-trtype', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-hostnqn', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-hostid', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-host-traddr', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-traddr', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-trsvid', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-subsys-uuid', action='store_true')
+ config.add_argument('--show-subsysnqn', action='store_true')
+ config.set_defaults(func=target_config)
+ return parser
+def main():
+ import sys
+ parser = build_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ args.func(args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/contrib/nvmet-subsys.jinja2 b/contrib/nvmet-subsys.jinja2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a446fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/nvmet-subsys.jinja2
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ "hosts": [
+ {
+ "nqn": "{{ hostnqn }}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "addr": {
+ "adrfam": "ipv4",
+ "traddr": "",
+ "treq": "not specified",
+ "trsvcid": "4420",
+ "trtype": "tcp",
+ "tsas": "none"
+ },
+ "ana_groups": [
+ {
+ "ana": {
+ "state": "optimized"
+ },
+ "grpid": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "param": {
+ "inline_data_size": "16384",
+ "pi_enable": "0"
+ },
+ "portid": 0,
+ "referrals": [],
+ "subsystems": [
+ "{{ subsysnqn }}"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "subsystems": [
+ {
+ "allowed_hosts": [
+ "{{ allowed_hosts }}"
+ ],
+ "attr": {
+ "allow_any_host": "0",
+ "cntlid_max": "65519",
+ "cntlid_min": "1",
+ "firmware": "yada",
+ "ieee_oui": "0x000000",
+ "model": "Linux",
+ "pi_enable": "0",
+ "qid_max": "128",
+ "serial": "0c74361069d9db6c65ef",
+ "version": "1.3"
+ },
+ "namespaces": [
+ {
+ "ana": {
+ "grpid": "1"
+ },
+ "ana_grpid": 1,
+ "device": {
+ "nguid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
+ "path": "{{ blkdev }}",
+ "uuid": "{{ subsys_uuid }}"
+ },
+ "enable": 1,
+ "nsid": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "nqn": "{{ subsysnqn }}"
+ }
+ ]
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