[PATCH blktests v3 3/3] nvme: introduce nvmet_target_{setup/cleanup} common code

Bart Van Assche bvanassche at acm.org
Tue Aug 29 06:35:52 PDT 2023

On 8/28/23 19:11, Shinichiro Kawasaki wrote:
> This is the unclear point for me. Does bash really pass the arguments list of
> the caller to the callee when functions are called without arguments?
> Looking back the commit 852996fea4f1, you explained that bash does, and I
> agreed. But now in my environment bash doesn't. I tried the script below in my
> environment, and see nothing printed.
>    funcA() { echo "$1" ; }
>    funcB() { funcA; }
>    funcB foo
> Then the arguments of funcB is not passed to funcA. How does it run in your
> environment?

I see the same result that you see. It seems that I misinterpret the 
text produced by shellcheck if it reports warning SC2119. After having 
reread https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2119, I'm OK with
suppressing warning SC2119 because that warning doesn't seem useful to



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