[PATCH rfc 0/6] support traddr as dns names for ip based transports

Sagi Grimberg sagi at grimberg.me
Thu Aug 10 05:03:46 PDT 2023

> Currently nvme-cli is able to resolve an ip address from a dns name if
> traddr argument was given as a dns name, so it does that and passes down
> to the kernel the resolved ip address.
> However, if the dns resolution changes over time, the kernel will not
> be able to reconnect because it has a stale ip address. While this is
> not a real use case for nvme subsystems, it could be a valid use-case
> for discovery controllers, where the resolution is made from a dns
> name that may load-balance/failover over multiple endpoints.
> The last patch (7/6) is for libnvme to pass down the traddr as a dns
> name if the kernel supports dns queries.
> The inspiration was taken from the nfs client that does this for
> redirects or locations discovery.
> It is an rfc, so feedback is welcome.

So I get that there is zero appetite to support this?

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