[PATCH] nvme: clear the prp2 field of the nvme command.

Rao, Lei lei.rao at intel.com
Mon Nov 28 20:50:57 PST 2022

On 11/29/2022 12:16 PM, Chaitanya Kulkarni wrote:
> On 11/28/22 17:47, Lei Rao wrote:
>> If the prp2 field is not filled in nvme_setup_prp_simple(), the prp2
>> field is garbage data. According to nvme spec, the prp2 is reserved if
>> the data transfer does not cross a memory page boundary. Writing a
>> reserved coded value into a controller property field produces undefined
>> results, so it needs to be cleared in nvme_setup_rw().
>> Signed-off-by: Lei Rao <lei.rao at intel.com>
> if it is reserved then controller shoule ignore this field, no ?

It's feasible for the controller to ignore this field. But our controller has
stricter checks, and if prp2 is not used but has a value, some warnings will be
printed. According to the NVMe spec, it seems to write a reserved field produces
an undefined result, so maybe clearing it is better.


> not sure if original author wanted to avoid an extra assignment
> in the fast path with assumption that reserved fields should be
> ignored if it is then we should avoid this, if not then looks good
> Reviewed-by: Chaitanya Kulkarni <kch at nvidia.com>
> -ck

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