[PATCH 0/6] power_of_2 emulation support for NVMe ZNS devices

Javier González javier at javigon.com
Wed Mar 16 01:44:44 PDT 2022

On 15.03.2022 22:27, Martin K. Petersen wrote:
>> Applications which want to support ZNS have to take into consideration
>> that NPO2 is posisble and there existing users of that world today.
>Every time a new technology comes along vendors inevitably introduce
>first gen devices that are implemented with little consideration for the
>OS stacks they need to work with. This has happened for pretty much
>every technology I have been involved with over the years. So the fact
>that NPO2 devices exist is no argument. There are tons of devices out
>there that Linux does not support and never will.
>In early engagements SSD drive vendors proposed all sorts of weird NPO2
>block sizes and alignments that it was argued were *incontestable*
>requirements for building NAND devices. And yet a generation or two
>later every SSD transparently handled 512-byte or 4096-byte logical
>blocks just fine. Imagine if we had re-engineered the entire I/O stack
>to accommodate these awful designs?
>Similarly, many proponents suggested oddball NPO2 sizes for SMR
>zones. And yet the market very quickly settled on PO2 once things
>started shipping in volume.
>Simplicity and long term maintainability of the kernel should always
>take precedence as far as I'm concerned.

Martin, you are absolutely right.

The argument is not that there is available HW. The argument is that as
we tried to retrofit ZNS into the zoned block device, the gap between
zone size and capacity has brought adoption issues for some customers.

I would still like to wait and give some time to get some feedback on
the plan I proposed yesterday before we post patches. At this point, I
would very much like to hear your opinion on how the changes will incur
a maintainability problem. Nobody wants that.

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