bug report: one of /dev/nvme*n1 is not created on 5.18.1 "globally duplicate IDs for nsid"

Kamil Cukrowski kamilcukrowski at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 02:31:07 PDT 2022


(I resend the email cause the mailing list rejected HTML email, so 
hopefully it's text only now)
I believe this check of code 
broke my system.
When starting newer kernel one of /dev/nvme*n1 devices is not created. 
The other one is created.
The issue stated happening this week after I updated the system. I was 
able to boot from -lts kernel.
I can't pinpoint the kernel version when the issue started.
If you want to, I should be able to install previous kernel version and 
test it.
If you sent me steps, I should be able to compile custom kernel, but I 
do not think this weekend, maybe the next one.
Currently I am blaming Christoph Hellwig , sorry :p . I suspect these 

The issue:
- On startup, udev does not create one of /dev/nvme*n1 devices
- /dev/nvme0n1 is created
- /dev/nvme0n1 shows in nvme list
- /dev/nvme1n1 does not show in nvme list
- /dev/nvme0 and /dev/nvme1 are both created
- I believe the order changes sometimes, sometimes /dev/nvme1n1 is 
created and /dev/nvme0n1 is not.
- Adding nvme_load=1 boot option do not change anything.
- Kernel options do not change anything.
- Regenerating mkinitcpio with some drivers does not change anything.

The software:
- Newest archlinux, stock packages.
- The issue is reproducible on 5.18.1-arch1-1
- The issue is not reproducible on 5.15.44-1-lts (so I can still boot)
- I reproduced the issue with archlinux iso from 2022.06.01 . 
- The issue is not reproducible with older version . 

My hardware:
- motherboard fujitsu D3162
- two discs SSD Goodram M.2 
(yes, sorry, Polish links, I'm from Poland)
- connected via pcie to a pcie to nvme2 converters 
- (I was also able to reproduce on Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-UD4H, with same 
converters and discs)
- I am booting grub from usb pendrive vfat /dev/sdb1 , that loads 
kernel+initrd , and then loads nvme driver to mount the drivers.
- unrelated:
    - nvidia graphic card (so it taints the LTS kernel, happens way 
after detecting nvme...)
    - cpu i7-2600
    - The hard drivers have btrfs in raid1, no partitions full discs 
taken by btrfs. Not really important.
    - There is a third drive connected via sata in /dev/sda. I 
disconnected it, didn't change.

Some logs excerpts, below.

Login with user 'kamil' password 'kamil123' to 
https://k.dyzio.pl/kernel_no_nvmen0/ . I collected lspci, dmesg, lshw, 
everything listed in kernel bug report page, and some nvme commands 
results. I add .tar.gz of logs to this email.

Let me know if I should get something more.

Kamil Cukrowski

# https://k.dyzio.pl/kernel_no_nvmen0/5.18.1-arch1-1/dmesg__grep_nvme.txt
$ dmesg | grep nvme
[    3.783144] nvme nvme0: pci function 0000:02:00.0
[    3.784103] nvme nvme1: pci function 0000:03:00.0
[    3.786118] nvme nvme0: missing or invalid SUBNQN field.
[    3.787913] nvme nvme1: missing or invalid SUBNQN field.
[    3.799274] nvme nvme0: allocated 64 MiB host memory buffer.
[    3.801040] nvme nvme1: allocated 64 MiB host memory buffer.
[    3.813335] nvme nvme0: 8/0/0 default/read/poll queues
[    3.815193] nvme nvme1: 8/0/0 default/read/poll queues
[    3.818565] nvme nvme1: globally duplicate IDs for nsid 
1                            # THIS THIS
[    3.898315] BTRFS: device label nbleo devid 1 transid 289177 
/dev/nvme0n1 scanned by systemd-udevd (208)
[    8.807848] BTRFS info (device nvme0n1): flagging fs with big 
metadata feature
[    8.807853] BTRFS info (device nvme0n1): using free space tree
[    8.807854] BTRFS info (device nvme0n1): has skinny extents
# btrfs can't find raid1:
[    8.809408] BTRFS error (device nvme0n1): devid 2 uuid 
0b304a06-233c-4363-9821-f9022749ced1 is missing
[    8.809566] BTRFS error (device nvme0n1): failed to read the system 
array: -2
[    8.809965] BTRFS error (device nvme0n1): open_ctree failed
# https://k.dyzio.pl/kernel_no_nvmen0/5.15.44-1-lts/dmesg__grep_nvme.txt
# This line is missing in above:
[    2.710105] BTRFS: device label nbleo devid 2 transid 289094 
/dev/nvme1n1 scanned by systemd-udevd (199)

# https://k.dyzio.pl/kernel_no_nvmen0/5.18.1-arch1-1/nvme_list.txt
+ nvme list
Node                  Generic               SN 
Model                                    Namespace 
Usage                      Format           FW Rev
--------------------- --------------------- -------------------- 
---------------------------------------- --------- 
-------------------------- ---------------- --------
/dev/nvme0n1          /dev/ng0n1            GY4019513 
SSDPR-PX500-256-80                       1         256.06  GB / 256.06  
GB    512   B +  0 B   T1202A0
# This line is missing from in the above that is present in linux-lts:
# https://k.dyzio.pl/kernel_no_nvmen0/5.15.44-1-lts/nvme_list.txt
/dev/nvme1n1          /dev/ng1n1            GY4019518 
SSDPR-PX500-256-80                       1         256.06  GB / 256.06  
GB    512   B +  0 B   T1202A0

+ nvme id-ns /dev/nvme0 -n 1
NVME Identify Namespace 1:
nsze    : 0x1dcf32b0
ncap    : 0x1dcf32b0
nuse    : 0x1dcf32b0
nsfeat  : 0
nlbaf   : 0
flbas   : 0
mc      : 0
dpc     : 0
dps     : 0
nmic    : 0
rescap  : 0
fpi     : 0
dlfeat  : 0
nawun   : 0
nawupf  : 0
nacwu   : 0
nabsn   : 0
nabo    : 0
nabspf  : 0
noiob   : 0
nvmcap  : 256060514304
mssrl   : 0
mcl     : 0
msrc    : 0
nulbaf  : 0
anagrpid: 0
nsattr    : 0
nvmsetid: 0
endgid  : 0
nguid   : 00000000000000000000010000000000
eui64   : 0000010000000000
lbaf  0 : ms:0   lbads:9  rp:0 (in use)

+ nvme id-ns /dev/nvme1 -n 1
NVME Identify Namespace 1:
nsze    : 0x1dcf32b0
ncap    : 0x1dcf32b0
nuse    : 0x1dcf32b0
nsfeat  : 0
nlbaf   : 0
flbas   : 0
mc      : 0
dpc     : 0
dps     : 0
nmic    : 0
rescap  : 0
fpi     : 0
dlfeat  : 0
nawun   : 0
nawupf  : 0
nacwu   : 0
nabsn   : 0
nabo    : 0
nabspf  : 0
noiob   : 0
nvmcap  : 256060514304
mssrl   : 0
mcl     : 0
msrc    : 0
nulbaf  : 0
anagrpid: 0
nsattr    : 0
nvmsetid: 0
endgid  : 0
nguid   : 00000000000000000000010000000000
eui64   : 0000010000000000
lbaf  0 : ms:0   lbads:9  rp:0 (in use)

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a52dec 0.7.4-11
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lame 3.100-3
languagetool 5.7-1
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layer-shell-qt 5.24.5-1
lcms2 2.13.1-1
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ldns 1.8.1-1
lensfun 1:0.3.3-1
less 1:590-1
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lib32-attr 2.5.1-1
lib32-brotli 1.0.9-4
lib32-bzip2 1.0.8-2
lib32-curl 7.83.1-1
lib32-dbus 1.14.0-1
lib32-e2fsprogs 1.46.5-1
lib32-expat 2.4.8-1
lib32-faudio 22.05-1
lib32-flac 1.3.4-2
lib32-fontconfig 2:2.14.0-1
lib32-freetype2 2.12.1-1
lib32-gcc-libs 12.1.0-2
lib32-gettext 0.21-1
lib32-glib2 2.72.2-1
lib32-glibc 2.35-5
lib32-glu 9.0.2-3
lib32-gmp 6.2.1-1
lib32-gnutls 3.7.6-1
lib32-harfbuzz 4.3.0-1
lib32-icu 71.1-1
lib32-keyutils 1.6.3-1
lib32-krb5 1.19.3-2
lib32-lcms2 2.13.1-1
lib32-libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-1
lib32-libcap 2.64-1
lib32-libdrm 2.4.110-1
lib32-libelf 0.187-1
lib32-libffi 3.4.2-4
lib32-libgcrypt 1.10.1-1
lib32-libglvnd 1.4.0-2
lib32-libgpg-error 1.45-1
lib32-libice 1.0.10-1
lib32-libidn2 2.3.2-1
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 2.1.3-1
lib32-libldap 2.6.2-1
lib32-libnl 3.6.0-1
lib32-libogg 1.3.5-1
lib32-libpcap 1.10.1-1
lib32-libpciaccess 0.16-1
lib32-libpng 1.6.37-3
lib32-libpsl 0.21.1-2
lib32-libpulse 16.0-1
lib32-libsm 1.2.3-1
lib32-libsndfile 1.1.0-1
lib32-libssh2 1.10.0-1
lib32-libtasn1 4.18.0-1
lib32-libtiff 4.4.0-1
lib32-libtirpc 1.3.2-2
lib32-libunistring 1.0-1
lib32-libunwind 1.6.2-1
lib32-libvorbis 1.3.7-1
lib32-libx11 1.8-1
lib32-libxau 1.0.9-2
lib32-libxcb 1.15-1
lib32-libxcomposite 0.4.5-2
lib32-libxcrypt 4.4.28-1
lib32-libxcursor 1.2.1-1
lib32-libxdamage 1.1.5-2
lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.3-1
lib32-libxext 1.3.4-2
lib32-libxfixes 6.0.0-1
lib32-libxi 1.8-1
lib32-libxinerama 1.1.4-2
lib32-libxml2 2.9.14-1
lib32-libxrandr 1.5.2-2
lib32-libxrender 0.9.10-2
lib32-libxshmfence 1.3-2
lib32-libxss 1.2.3-2
lib32-libxtst 1.2.3-2
lib32-libxxf86vm 1.1.4-3
lib32-llvm-libs 13.0.1-1
lib32-lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-1
lib32-mesa 22.1.0-1
lib32-ncurses 6.3-1
lib32-nettle 3.7.3-1
lib32-nspr 4.34-1
lib32-nss 3.79-1
lib32-nvidia-utils 515.43.04-1
lib32-openssl 1:1.1.1.n-1
lib32-opus 1.3.1-2
lib32-p11-kit 0.24.1-1
lib32-pam 1.5.2-1
lib32-pcre 8.45-1
lib32-readline 8.1.002-1
lib32-sdl2 2.0.22-1
lib32-sqlite 3.38.5-1
lib32-systemd 251.1-1
lib32-util-linux 2.38-1
lib32-vkd3d 1.3-1
lib32-vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.213-1
lib32-wayland 1.20.0-2
lib32-xz 5.2.5-2
lib32-zlib 1.2.12-1
lib32-zstd 1.5.2-1
libabw 0.1.3-3
libaccounts-glib 1.25-7
libaccounts-qt 1.16-3
libaio 0.3.113-1
libao 1.2.2-5
libappindicator-gtk3 12.10.0.r296-2
libarchive 3.6.1-1
libass 0.15.2-2
libassuan 2.5.5-1
libasyncns 1:0.8+r3+g68cd5af-1
libatasmart 0.19-5
libatomic_ops 7.6.12-1
libavc1394 0.5.4-4
libavif 0.10.1-1
libavtp 0.2.0-1
libb2 0.98.1-2
libb64 1.2.1-4
libblockdev 2.26-3
libbluray 1.3.0-2
libbpf 0.7.0-1
libbs2b 3.1.0-7
libbsd 0.11.6-2
libbytesize 2.6-3
libcaca 0.99.beta20-1
libcanberra 1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-1
libcap 2.64-1
libcap-ng 0.8.3-1
libcddb 1.3.2-6
libcdio 2.1.0-2
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.1-2
libcdr 0.1.7-4
libcerf 1:2.1-1
libcloudproviders 0.3.1-2
libcolord 1.4.6-1
libcups 1:2.4.2-1
libdaemon 0.14-5
libdatrie 0.2.13-1
libdbusmenu-glib 16.04.0-5
libdbusmenu-gtk3 16.04.0-5
libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-6
libdc1394 2.2.6-2
libdca 0.0.7-1
libde265 1.0.8-2
libdispatch 5.5.0-1
libdmtx 0.7.5-2
libdrm 2.4.110-1
libdv 1.0.0-9
libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-2
libdvdnav 6.1.1-1
libdvdread 6.1.3-1
libe-book 0.1.3-11
libebml 1.4.2-2
libedit 20210910_3.1-1
libelf 0.187-1
libepoxy 1.5.10-1
libepubgen 0.1.1-3
libetonyek 0.1.10-1
libev 4.33-1
libevdev 1.12.1-1
libevent 2.1.12-1
libexif 0.6.24-1
libexttextcat 3.4.6-1
libfdk-aac 2.0.2-1
libffi 3.4.2-5
libfontenc 1.1.4-3
libfreeaptx 0.1.1-1
libfreehand 0.1.2-4
libgcrypt 1.10.1-1
libgdiplus 5.6.1-3
libgexiv2 0.14.0-3
libglvnd 1.4.0-2
libgme 0.6.3-1
libgpg-error 1.45-1
libgphoto2 2.5.29-1
libgssglue 0.4-4
libgtop 2.40.0+2+g31db82ef-2
libgudev 237-2
libheif 1.12.0-3
libibus 1.5.26-2
libical 3.0.14-3
libice 1.0.10-4
libid3tag 0.15.1b-11
libidn 1.38-1
libidn2 2.3.2-1
libiec61883 1.2.0-6
libieee1284 0.2.11-13
libimobiledevice 1.3.0-5
libindicator-gtk3 12.10.1-10
libinih 55-2
libinput 1.20.1-1
libinstpatch 1.1.6-1
libisl 0.24-4
libisofs 1.5.4-1
libixion 0.17.0-1
libjpeg-turbo 2.1.3-2
libkate 0.4.1-8
libkdcraw 22.04.1-1
libkexiv2 22.04.1-1
libksane 22.04.1-1
libksba 1.6.0-1
libkscreen 5.24.5-1
libksysguard 5.24.5-1
liblangtag 0.6.3-3
libldap 2.6.2-2
liblouis 3.21.0-1
liblqr 0.4.2-3
liblrdf 0.6.1-4
libltc 1.3.1-3
libluv 1.43.0_0-1
libmad 0.15.1b-9
libmanette 0.2.6-3
libmatroska 1.6.3-2
libmaxminddb 1.6.0-3
libmbim 1.26.4-1
libmd 1.0.4-1
libmfx 22.3.0-1
libmicrodns 0.2.0-1
libmicrohttpd 0.9.75-1
libmm-glib 1.18.8-1
libmng 2.0.3-3
libmnl 1.0.5-1
libmpc 1.2.1-2
libmpcdec 1:0.1+r475-3
libmpeg2 0.5.1-7
libmspub 0.1.4-12
libmtp 1.1.19-1
libmwaw 0.3.21-2
libmypaint 1.6.1-1
libnatpmp 20150609-3
libndp 1.8-1
libnet 1:1.1.6-1
libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-1
libnewt 0.52.21-8
libnfnetlink 1.0.2-1
libnfs 5.0.1-2
libnftnl 1.2.1-1
libnghttp2 1.47.0-1
libnice 0.1.19-1
libnl 3.6.0-3
libnm 1.38.0-1
libnotify 0.7.12-1
libnsl 2.0.0-2
libnumbertext 1.0.10-1
libodfgen 0.1.8-1
libogg 1.3.5-1
libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-3
libopenmpt 0.6.3-1
liborcus 0.17.2-1
libotf 0.9.16-3
libp11-kit 0.24.1-1
libpagemaker 0.0.4-3
libpaper 1.1.28-2
libpcap 1.10.1-2
libpciaccess 0.16-3
libpgm 5.3.128-2
libpipeline 1.5.6-1
libplacebo 4.192.1-2
libplist 2.2.0-5
libpng 1.6.37-3
libproxy 0.4.17-7
libpsl 0.21.1-1
libpulse 16.0-1
libqaccessibilityclient 0.4.1-2
libqalculate 4.2.0-1
libqmi 1.30.6-1
libqrtr-glib 1.2.2-2
libqxp 0.0.2-8
libraqm 0.9.0-1
libraw 0.20.2-2
libraw1394 2.1.2-3
libreoffice-extension-languagetool 5.7-1
libreoffice-fresh 7.3.3-2
libreoffice-fresh-pl 7.3.3-1
librevenge 0.0.4-4
librsvg 2:2.54.3-1
libsamplerate 0.2.2-1
libsasl 2.1.28-1
libseccomp 2.5.4-1
libsecret 0.20.5-2
libshout 1:2.4.6-1
libsidplay 1.36.59-10
libsigc++ 2.10.8-1
libsigsegv 2.14-1
libslirp 4.7.0-1
libsm 1.2.3-3
libsndfile 1.1.0-2
libsodium 1.0.18-2
libsoup 2.74.2-2
libsoup3 3.0.6-1
libsoxr 0.1.3-2
libspectre 0.2.10-1
libspiro 1:20200505-2
libsrtp 1:2.4.2-1
libssh 0.9.6-1
libssh2 1.10.0-1
libstaroffice 0.0.7-2
libstemmer 2.2.0-2
libsynctex 2022.62885-1
libsysprof-capture 3.44.0-1
libtar 1.2.20-6
libtasn1 4.18.0-1
libteam 1.31-5
libtermkey 0.22-2
libthai 0.1.29-1
libtheora 1.1.1-5
libtiff 4.3.0-2
libtirpc 1.3.2-1
libtommath 1.2.0-3
libtool 2.4.7-2
libunistring 1.0-1
libunwind 1.6.2-1
libupnp 1.14.12-3
liburcu 0.13.1-1
liburing 2.1-1
libusb 1.0.26-1
libusbmuxd 2.0.2-1
libutempter 1.2.1-2
libutf8proc 2.7.0-2
libuv 1.43.0-1
libva 2.14.0-1
libva-mesa-driver 22.1.0-1
libva-utils 2.14.0-1
libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-6
libvdpau 1.5-1
libvisio 0.1.7-7
libvisual 0.4.0-8
libvorbis 1.3.7-3
libvpx 1.11.0-2
libvterm01 0.1.4-2
libwacom 2.2.0-1
libwebp 1.2.2-1
libwebsockets 4.3.2-2
libwmf 0.2.12-2
libwpd 0.10.3-3
libwpe 1.12.0-2
libwpg 0.3.3-3
libwps 0.4.12-1
libx11 1.8-1
libx86emu 3.5-2
libxau 1.0.9-4
libxaw 1.0.14-1
libxcb 1.15-1
libxcomposite 0.4.5-4
libxcrypt 4.4.28-2
libxcursor 1.2.1-1
libxcvt 0.1.1-1
libxdamage 1.1.5-4
libxdmcp 1.1.3-4
libxext 1.3.4-4
libxfce4ui 4.16.1-1
libxfce4util 4.16.0-1
libxfixes 6.0.0-1
libxfont2 2.0.5-1
libxft 2.3.4-1
libxi 1.8-1
libxinerama 1.1.4-4
libxkbcommon 1.4.1-1
libxkbcommon-x11 1.4.1-1
libxkbfile 1.1.0-3
libxml2 2.9.14-1
libxmlb 0.3.9-1
libxmu 1.1.3-3
libxnvctrl 515.43.04-1
libxpm 3.5.13-3
libxrandr 1.5.2-4
libxrender 0.9.10-5
libxres 1.2.1-1
libxshmfence 1.3-3
libxslt 1.1.35-1
libxss 1.2.3-4
libxt 1.2.1-1
libxtst 1.2.3-5
libxv 1.0.11-5
libxvmc 1.0.13-1
libxxf86vm 1.1.4-5
libyaml 0.2.5-1
libyuv r2322+3aebf69d-1
libzip 1.8.0-1
libzmf 0.0.2-12
licenses 20220125-1
lilv 0.24.12-4
linux 5.18.1.arch1-1
linux-api-headers 5.17.5-2
linux-firmware 20220509.b19cbdc-1
linux-firmware-whence 20220509.b19cbdc-1
linux-headers 5.18.1.arch1-1
linux-lts 5.15.44-1
linux-lts-headers 5.15.44-1
linux-zen 5.18.1.zen1-1
linux-zen-headers 5.18.1.zen1-1
liquid-dsp 1.3.2-2
llvm-libs 13.0.1-6
lm_sensors 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-1
lmdb 0.9.29-1
lsb-release 2.0.r48.3cf5103-1
lshw B.02.19.2-4
lsof 4.95.0-1
lua 5.4.4-1
lua52 5.2.4-5
lua53 5.3.6-1
luajit 2.1.0.beta3.r409.g1b8d8cab-1
luit 20220111-1
lv2 1.18.2-1
lvm2 2.03.16-1
lynx 2.8.9-5
lz4 1:1.9.3-2
lzo 2.10-3
m17n-db 1.8.0-3
m17n-lib 1.8.0-12
m4 1.4.19-1
mailcap 2.1.53-1
make 4.3-3
man-db 2.10.2-1
man-pages 5.13-1
mbrola 1:3.3-1
mbrola-voices-pl1 15.6fa9693-1
mc 4.8.28-1
md4c 0.4.8-1
mdadm 4.2-2
media-player-info 24-2
meld 3.20.4-2
memtest86+ 5.31b-1
mesa 22.1.0-1
mesa-utils 8.5.0-1
mesa-vdpau 22.1.0-1
meson 0.62.2-1
metis 5.1.0.p10-2
milena 0.2.95-1
milou 5.24.5-1
miniupnpc 2.2.3-1
minizip 1:1.2.12-2
mjpegtools 2.2.1-1
mkinitcpio 31-2
mkinitcpio-busybox 1.35.0-1
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20220511-1
modemmanager 1.18.8-1
modemmanager-qt 5.94.0-1
moreutils 0.67-2
mosquitto 2.0.14-3
mousepad 0.5.9-1
mpfr 4.1.0.p13-2
mpg123 1.29.3-2
msgpack-c 4.0.0-1
msmtp 1.8.20-1
msmtp-mta 1.8.20-1
mtdev 1.1.6-2
mtools 1:4.0.39-1
mypaint-brushes1 1.3.1-1
namcap 3.2.10-5
ncurses 6.3-3
ndctl 73-1
neon 0.32.2-1
neovim 0.7.0-3
nerd-fonts-liberation 2.1.0-4
net-snmp 5.9.1-4
netavark 1.0.3-2
netpbm 10.73.37-1
nettle 3.7.3-1
networkmanager 1.38.0-1
networkmanager-openvpn 1.8.18-2
networkmanager-qt 5.94.0-1
nftables 1:1.0.2-1
ninja 1.11.0-1
nmap 7.92-1
nmon 16n-2
node-gyp 9.0.0-1
nodejs-lts-gallium 16.15.0-1
nodejs-nopt 5.0.0-2
nomad 1.3.1-1
noto-fonts 20220502-3
noto-fonts-cjk 20220126-1
noto-fonts-emoji 20211101-1
noto-fonts-extra 20220502-3
nouveau-fw 325.15-1
npm 8.5.5-1
npth 1.6-3
nspr 4.34-1
nss 3.79-1
nss-mdns 0.15.1-1
ntfs-3g 2022.5.17-1
numactl 2.0.14-3
nvidia-dkms 515.43.04-2
nvidia-settings 515.43.04-1
nvidia-utils 515.43.04-2
nvme-cli 2.0-2
oath-toolkit 2.6.7-1
odt2txt 0.5-4
okular 22.04.1-1
oniguruma 6.9.8-1
openal 1.22.0-1
opencore-amr 0.1.5-5
openexr 3.1.5-1
openjpeg2 2.5.0-1
openmpi 4.1.2-1
openssh 9.0p1-1
openssl 1.1.1.o-1
openvpn 2.5.7-1
opus 1.3.1-3
orc 0.4.32-1
os-prober 1.79-1
oxygen 5.24.5-1
p11-kit 0.24.1-1
p7zip 1:17.04-3
pacman 6.0.1-5
pacman-contrib 1.5.2-1
pacman-mirrorlist 20220501-1
pahole 1.23-1
pam 1.5.2-1
pambase 20211210-1
pango 1:1.50.7-1
pangomm 2.46.2-1
parted 3.5-1
patch 2.7.6-8
pavucontrol 1:5.0+r35+g964f298-1
pciutils 3.8.0-1
pcre 8.45-1
pcre2 10.40-1
pcsclite 1.9.7-1
perf 5.17-2
perl 5.36.0-1
perl-alien-build 2.48-3
perl-alien-libxml2 0.17-3
perl-capture-tiny 0.48-6
perl-cgi 4.54-2
perl-clone 0.45-4
perl-dbi 1.643-4
perl-encode-locale 1.05-9
perl-error 0.17029-4
perl-ffi-checklib 0.28-3
perl-file-chdir 0.1011-4
perl-file-listing 6.15-2
perl-file-which 1.27-2
perl-html-parser 3.78-2
perl-html-tagset 3.20-12
perl-http-cookies 6.10-3
perl-http-daemon 6.14-2
perl-http-date 6.05-5
perl-http-message 6.36-2
perl-http-negotiate 6.01-10
perl-io-html 1.004-3
perl-io-tty 1.16-3
perl-ipc-run 20200505.0-1
perl-libwww 6.60-2
perl-locale-gettext 1.07-12
perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.04-2
perl-mailtools 2.21-6
perl-net-dbus 1.2.0-4
perl-net-http 6.22-2
perl-parse-yapp 1.21-5
perl-path-tiny 0.122-2
perl-rename 1.10-3
perl-text-iconv 1.7-21
perl-time-duration 1:1.21-1
perl-timedate 2.33-4
perl-try-tiny 0.31-2
perl-uri 5.10-2
perl-www-robotrules 6.02-10
perl-x11-protocol 0.56-13
perl-xml-libxml 2.0207-3
perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.12-4
perl-xml-parser 2.46-4
perl-xml-sax 1.02-1
perl-xml-sax-base 1.09-4
perl-xml-twig 3.52-9
perl-xml-writer 0.900-1
phonon-qt5 4.11.1-3
phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.10.0-3
php 8.1.6-1
pinentry 1.2.0-1
pinta 2.0.1-1
pipewire 1:0.3.51-1
pipewire-media-session 1:0.4.1-2
pixman 0.40.0-2
pkcs11-helper 1.29.0-1
pkgconf 1.8.0-1
plasma-browser-integration 5.24.5-1
plasma-desktop 5.24.5-2
plasma-disks 5.24.5-1
plasma-firewall 5.24.5-1
plasma-framework 5.94.0-1
plasma-integration 5.24.5-1
plasma-meta 5.24-1
plasma-nm 5.24.5-1
plasma-pa 5.24.5-1
plasma-systemmonitor 5.24.5-1
plasma-thunderbolt 5.24.5-1
plasma-vault 5.24.5-1
plasma-workspace 5.24.5-3
plasma-workspace-wallpapers 5.24.5-1
podman 4.1.0-1
polkit 0.120-5
polkit-kde-agent 5.24.5-1
polkit-qt5 0.114.0-1
poppler 22.05.0-2
poppler-data 0.4.11-1
poppler-glib 22.05.0-2
poppler-qt5 22.05.0-2
popt 1.18-3
portaudio 1:19.7.0-1
potrace 1.16-2
powerdevil 5.24.5-1
ppp 2.4.9-1
prison 5.94.0-1
procps-ng 3.3.17-1
protobuf 3.20.1-2
protobuf-c 1.4.0-3
proxytunnel 1.10.20210604-1
psmisc 23.5-1
pulseaudio 16.0-1
purpose 5.94.0-1
pyalpm 0.10.6-4
python 3.10.4-2
python-apipkg 2.1.1-1
python-appdirs 1.4.4-6
python-argcomplete 2.0.0-1
python-attrs 21.4.0-1
python-black 22.3.0-1
python-cachecontrol 1:0.12.6-4
python-cairo 1.21.0-1
python-cffi 1.15.0-3
python-chardet 4.0.0-5
python-click 8.1.3-1
python-colorama 0.4.4-6
python-contextlib2 0.6.0.post1-6
python-cpplint 1.6.0-1
python-cryptography 37.0.2-1
python-distlib 0.3.4-1
python-distro 1.7.0-1
python-dnspython 1:2.2.1-1
python-gitlab 3.5.0-1
python-gobject 3.42.1-1
python-greenlet 1.1.2-3
python-html2text 2020.1.16-5
python-html5lib 1.1-11
python-idna 3.3-4
python-importlib-metadata 4.8.1-3
python-iniconfig 1.1.1-5
python-jedi 0.18.1-1
python-jinja 1:3.1.2-1
python-lxml 4.8.0-1
python-markdown 3.3.7-1
python-markupsafe 2.1.1-1
python-more-itertools 8.12.0-2
python-msgpack 1.0.3-1
python-mypy_extensions 0.4.3-5
python-numpy 1.22.3-1
python-ordered-set 4.0.2-6
python-packaging 21.3-1
python-parso 1:0.8.2-3
python-pathspec 0.9.0-3
python-pep517 0.12.0-4
python-pip 21.0-1
python-platformdirs 2.5.0-1
python-pluggy 1.0.0-1
python-ply 3.11-10
python-progress 1.6-5
python-protobuf 3.20.1-2
python-py 1.11.0-1
python-pycparser 2.21-3
python-pyelftools 0.28-1
python-pyenchant 3.2.2-1
python-pygments 2.12.0-1
python-pynvim 0.4.3-2
python-pyopenssl 22.0.0-1
python-pyparsing 3.0.9-1
python-pyqt5 5.15.6-7
python-pyqt5-sip 12.10.1-1
python-pytest 7.1.2-1
python-requests 2.27.1-1
python-requests-toolbelt 0.9.1-7
python-resolvelib 0.5.5-4
python-retrying 1.3.3-13
python-rope 0.23.0-1
python-setuptools 1:60.6.0-1
python-six 1.16.0-5
python-toml 0.10.2-7
python-tomli 2.0.1-1
python-typing_extensions 4.2.0-1
python-urllib3 1.26.9-1
python-webencodings 0.5.1-9
python-wheel 0.37.1-1
python-xmltodict 0.12.0-8
python-yaml 6.0-1
python-zipp 3.8.0-1
qca-qt5 2.3.4-3
qemu-common 7.0.0-10
qemu-emulators-full 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-aarch64 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-alpha 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-arm 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-avr 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-cris 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-hppa 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-m68k 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-microblaze 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-mips 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-nios2 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-or1k 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-ppc 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-riscv 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-rx 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-s390x 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-sh4 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-sparc 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-tricore 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-x86 7.0.0-10
qemu-system-xtensa 7.0.0-10
qemu-user 7.0.0-10
qemu-user-static 6.2.0-1
qpdf 10.6.3-1
qqc2-desktop-style 5.94.0-1
qrencode 4.1.1-1
qt5-base 5.15.4+kde+r146-1
qt5-declarative 5.15.4+kde+r19-1
qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.4+kde+r0-1
qt5-imageformats 5.15.4+kde+r1-1
qt5-location 5.15.4+kde+r2-1
qt5-multimedia 5.15.4+kde+r1-1
qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.4+kde+r0-1
qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.4+kde+r4-1
qt5-sensors 5.15.4+kde+r0-1
qt5-speech 5.15.4+kde+r1-1
qt5-svg 5.15.4+kde+r10-1
qt5-tools 5.15.4+kde+r0-1
qt5-translations 5.15.4+kde+r2-1
qt5-wayland 5.15.4+kde+r38-1
qt5-webchannel 5.15.4+kde+r3-1
qt5-webengine 5.15.9-3
qt5-x11extras 5.15.4+kde+r0-1
qt6-5compat 6.3.0-2
qt6-base 6.3.0-3
qt6-declarative 6.3.0-2
qt6-imageformats 6.3.0-2
qt6-svg 6.3.0-1
qt6-translations 6.3.0-1
qt6-wayland 6.3.0-1
qtkeychain-qt5 0.13.2-1
raptor 2.0.15-19
rasqal 1:0.9.33-5
rav1e 0.4.1-2
re2 1:20220601-1
readline 8.1.002-1
recode 3.7.12-1
redland 1:1.0.17-8
reflector 2021.11-3
remmina 1:1.4.26-1
rest 0.8.1+r4+ge5ee6ef-1
rhash 1.4.2-1
rnnoise 0.4.1-1
rsync 3.2.4-1
rtkit 0.13-1
rtmpdump 1:2.4.r99.f1b83c1-2
ruby 3.0.4-1
ruby-ast 2.4.2-2
ruby-backport 1.2.0-1
ruby-e2mmap 0.1.0-2
ruby-irb 1.4.1-1
ruby-jaro_winkler 1.5.4-3
ruby-maruku 0.7.3-6
ruby-mini_portile2 2.8.0-1
ruby-nokogiri 1.13.6-1
ruby-parallel 1.22.1-1
ruby-psych 4.0.4-2
ruby-rainbow 3.0.0-6
ruby-rdoc 6.4.0-2
ruby-regexp_parser 2.5.0-1
ruby-reline 0.3.1-1
ruby-reverse_markdown 2.1.1-1
ruby-rexml 3.2.5-1
ruby-rubocop 1.30.0-1
ruby-rubocop-ast 1.18.0-1
ruby-ruby-progressbar 1.11.0-2
ruby-solargraph 0.45.0-1
ruby-stringio 3.0.2-1
ruby-thor 1.2.1-1
ruby-tilt 2.0.10-1
ruby-unicode-display_width 2.1.0-1
ruby-yard 0.9.26-2
ruby2.7 2.7.6-1
rubygems 3.3.8-1
run-parts 5.5-1
runc 1.1.2-1
samba 4.16.1-3
sane 1.1.1-1
sane-airscan 0.99.27-1
sbc 1.5-2
screen 4.9.0-1
sdcc 4.2.0-2
sddm 0.19.0-8
sddm-kcm 5.24.5-1
sdl12-compat 1.2.52-2
sdl2 2.0.22-2
seabios 1.16.0-1
sed 4.8-1
semver 7.3.7-1
serd 0.30.10-1
serf 1.3.9-5
shaderc 2022.1-3
shadow 4.11.1-1
shared-mime-info 2.0+144+g13695c7-1
shellcheck 0.8.0-113
shfmt 3.5.0-1
shorewall 5.2.8-1
shorewall-core 5.2.8-1
shorewall6 5.2.8-1
signon-kwallet-extension 22.04.1-1
signon-plugin-oauth2 0.25-1
signon-ui 0.17+20171022-3
signond 8.61-1
skanlite 22.04.1-1
slack-desktop 4.26.1-1
slang 2.3.2-2
slirp4netns 1.2.0-1
smartmontools 7.3-1
smbclient 4.16.1-3
snappy 1.1.9-2
solid 5.94.0-1
sonnet 5.94.0-1
sord 0.16.8-1
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-5
soundtouch 2.3.1-2
source-highlight 3.1.9-7
sox 14.4.2-7
spandsp 0.0.6-3
spdlog 1.10.0-1
spectacle 22.04.1-2
speex 1.2.0-3
speexdsp 1.2.0-2
spirv-tools 2022.1-1
sqlite 3.38.5-1
sratom 0.6.8-3
srt 1.4.4-1
sshfs 3.7.3-1
sshpass 1.09-1
startup-notification 0.12-7
stow 2.3.1-3
strace 5.17-1
stress 1.0.5-1
subversion 1.14.1-6
sudo 1.9.10-1
suitesparse 5.12.0-1
svt-av1 0.9.0-2
svt-hevc 1.5.1-2
syndication 5.94.0-1
syntax-highlighting 5.94.0-1
sysfsutils 2.1.1-1
sysstat 12.6.0-1
systemd 251.1-1
systemd-libs 251.1-1
systemd-sysvcompat 251.1-1
systemsettings 5.24.5-1
t1lib 5.1.2-8
taglib 1.12-1
talloc 2.3.3-3
tar 1.34-1
tcl 8.6.12-3
tcpdump 4.99.1-1
tcpping 1.7-2
tcptraceroute 1.5beta7-8
tdb 1.4.6-1
telegram-desktop 3.7.3-1
tevent 1:0.11.0-3
texinfo 6.8-2
texlive-bin 2022.62885-1
the_silver_searcher 2.2.0-2
thin-provisioning-tools 0.9.0-1
threadweaver 5.94.0-1
thunderbird 91.9.1-1
thunderbird-i18n-pl 91.9.1-1
tigervnc 1.12.0-3
time 1.9-3
tinyxml2 9.0.0-1
tk 8.6.12-1
tmux 3.3-2
tpm2-tss 3.2.0-1
tracker3 3.3.1-1
transmission-qt 3.00-4
tree-sitter 0.20.6-1
tslib 1.22-1
ttf-hack 3.003-3
ttf-liberation 2.1.5-1
ttf-opensans 1.101-2
ttf-win7-fonts 7.1-9
twolame 0.4.0-2
tzdata 2022a-1
udisks2 2.9.4-1
unibilium 2.1.1-1
unigine-heaven 4.0-2
unrar 1:6.1.7-1
unzip 6.0-18
upower 0.99.18-1
usbmuxd 1.1.1-1
usbutils 014-2
util-linux 2.38-1
util-linux-libs 2.38-1
v4l-utils 1.22.1-1
v4l2loopback-dkms 0.12.5-2
v4l2loopback-utils 0.12.5-2
vagrant 2.2.19-2
valgrind 3.19.0-3
vde2 2.3.3-1
vdhcoapp 1.6.3-1
vdpauinfo 1.4-2
ventoy-bin 1.0.75-1
vid.stab 1.1-3
vim 8.2.5046-1
vim-runtime 8.2.5046-1
virtualbox 6.1.34-4
virtualbox-host-dkms 6.1.34-4
vkd3d 1.3-1
vmaf 2.3.1-1
volume_key 0.3.12-7
vte-common 0.68.0-2
vte3 0.68.0-2
vulkan-headers 1:1.3.213-1
vulkan-icd-loader 1.3.213-1
vulkan-tools 1.3.213-1
w3m 0.5.3.git20220409_1-1
wavpack 5.4.0-1
wayland 1.20.0-2
wayland-protocols 1.25-1
wayland-utils 1.0.0-2
webkit2gtk 2.36.3-1
webrtc-audio-processing 0.3.1-3
websocat 1.9.0-1
wget 1.21.3-1
which 2.21-5
whois 5.5.13-1
wildmidi 0.4.4-1
wine 7.7-1
wine-gecko 2.47.2-3
wine-mono 7.2.0-1
winetricks 20220411-1
wmctrl 1.07-6
woff2 1.0.2-3
wolfssl 5.3.0-1
wpa_supplicant 2:2.10-4
wpebackend-fdo 1.12.0-2
x264 3:0.164.r3081.19856cc-2
x265 3.5-3
xbindkeys 1.8.7-2
xbitmaps 1.1.2-3
xca 2.4.0-2
xcb-proto 1.15-1
xcb-util 0.4.0-4
xcb-util-cursor 0.1.3-4
xcb-util-image 0.4.0-4
xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.0-4
xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.9-4
xcb-util-wm 0.4.1-4
xclip 0.13-3
xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.4-1
xdg-desktop-portal-kde 5.24.5-1
xdg-user-dirs 0.17-3
xdg-utils 1.1.3+21+g1a58bc2-1
xdot 1.2-1
xdotool 3.20211022.1-1
xf86-input-libinput 1.2.1-1
xf86-video-intel 1:2.99.917+916+g31486f40-2
xfce4-terminal 1.0.4-1
xfconf 4.16.0-2
xfsprogs 5.16.0-1
xkeyboard-config 2.35.1-1
xmlsec 1.2.34-1
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.5-2
xorg-mkfontscale 1.2.2-1
xorg-server 21.1.3-7
xorg-server-common 21.1.3-7
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.3-1
xorg-xauth 1.1.2-1
xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.3-4
xorg-xev 1.2.4-1
xorg-xhost 1.0.8-3
xorg-xinit 1.4.1-3
xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.5-1
xorg-xmessage 1.0.5-3
xorg-xmodmap 1.0.10-3
xorg-xprop 1.2.5-1
xorg-xrandr 1.5.1-2
xorg-xrdb 1.2.1-1
xorg-xset 1.2.4-3
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.2-3
xorgproto 2022.1-1
xournalpp 1.1.1-1
xterm 372-2
xvidcore 1.3.7-2
xxhash 0.8.1-2
xz 5.2.5-3
yajl 2.1.0-5
yarn 1.22.19-1
yay 11.1.2-1
yq 2.14.0-1
zabbix-agent 6.0.4-1
zabbix-agent2 6.0.4-1
zbar 0.23.1-9
zenity 3.42.1-1
zeromq 4.3.4-2
zimg 3.0.3-2
zip 3.0-10
zlib 1:1.2.12-2
zsh 5.9-1
zstd 1.5.2-3
zvbi 0.2.35-4
zxing-cpp 1.3.0-1
zziplib 0.13.72-1

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