[PATCH 1/3] nvme/multipath: fix failure to update ns ana state
Anton Eidelman
anton at lightbitslabs.com
Sat Sep 11 18:07:29 PDT 2021
nvme_update_ana_state() has a deficiency that results
in failure to update the ana state for a namespace
in the following case:
nsid's in ctrl->namespaces: 1, 3, 4
nsid's in desc->nsids: 1, 2, 3, 4
Loop iteration 0:
ns index = 0, n = 0, ns->head->ns_id = 1, nsid = 1, MATCH.
Loop iteration 1:
ns index = 1, n = 1, ns->head->ns_id = 3, nsid = 2, NO MATCH.
Loop iteration 2:
ns index = 2, n = 2, ns->head->ns_id = 4, nsid = 4, MATCH.
Result: missed nsid=3 and did not update its ana state.
Solution: when ns->head->ns_id is higher than nsid,
increment n and RETRY with the SAME ns.
Signed-off-by: Anton Eidelman <anton at lightbitslabs.com>
drivers/nvme/host/multipath.c | 7 +++++--
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/host/multipath.c b/drivers/nvme/host/multipath.c
index 5d7bc58a27bd..e8ccdd398f78 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/host/multipath.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/host/multipath.c
@@ -600,14 +600,17 @@ static int nvme_update_ana_state(struct nvme_ctrl *ctrl,
list_for_each_entry(ns, &ctrl->namespaces, list) {
- unsigned nsid = le32_to_cpu(desc->nsids[n]);
+ unsigned nsid;
+ nsid = le32_to_cpu(desc->nsids[n]);
if (ns->head->ns_id < nsid)
if (ns->head->ns_id == nsid)
nvme_update_ns_ana_state(desc, ns);
if (++n == nr_nsids)
+ if (ns->head->ns_id > nsid)
+ goto again;
return 0;
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