[Suspected-Phishing]Re: [PATCH V3 1/2] nvme: split resetting state into reset_prepate and resetting

Sagi Grimberg sagi at grimberg.me
Wed Jan 17 02:37:35 PST 2018

> After Sagi's nvme-rdma: fix concurrent reset and reconnect, the rdma ctrl state is changed to RECONNECTING state
> after some clearing and shutdown work, then some initializing procedure,  no matter reset work path or error recovery path.
> The fc reset work also does the same thing.
> So if we define the range that RESET_PREPARE includes scheduling gap and disable and clear work, RESETTING includes initializing
> procedure,  RECONNECTING is very similar with RESETTING.
> Maybe we could do like this;
> In nvme fc/rdma
> - set state to RESET_PREPARE, queue reset_work/err_work
> - clear/shutdown works, set state to RECONNECTING

Should be fine.

> In nvme pci
> - set state to RESET_PREPARE, queue reset_work
> - clear/shutdown works, set state to RESETTING
> - initialization, set state to LIVE

Given that we split reset state and we have a clear symmetry between
the transports, do we want to maybe come up with a unique state that is
coherent across all transports?

Maybe we rename them to NVME_CTRL_SHUTTING_DOWN and
NVME_CTRL_ESTABLISHING? I'm open for better names..

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