[PATCH 5/5] nvme/pci: Complete all stuck requests

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Tue Feb 27 18:22:37 PST 2018

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 07:36:33PM -0800, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> So, I was all happy and all with 4.11, and it still works fine.
> S3 sleep just works, hibernate just works.
> And then 4.12 came, and S3 sleep would not work reliably
> 4.13 came, same thing
> 4.14, again, same thing :(
> Currently when I put the laptop to sleep, it sometimes, but just
> sometimes, keeps the thinkpad light in a slow pulsing light as if it
> were still in sleep mode, and just never wakes up.
> Sadly, this is crappy to bisect since it's not reliably reproducible.
> Before I go through that pain, are there any suggestions or ideas I
> should try?

Well, this is kind of embarassing, but here's what happened.

I got tired of my laptop locking up when recovering from S3 sleep
(sometimes) with 4.12, and 100% of the time with 4.13 and above all the
way to 4.15.
So, I bought a 1TB Sata M2 drive to replace my NVME one.
I spent time setting it up, and then... it failed just like with NVME.

So, NVME was innocent.
A lot of trial and error later, I found out that the iwlagn driver
actually broke between 4.11 and 4.12/4.13 and causes hangs on S3 resume.
My suspend script now unloads the wireless driver before going to sleep,
and all is well again.

Sorry about the wrong report on NVME.

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Microsoft is to operating systems ....
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