[RFC PATCH mtd-utils 105/110] tests: ubifs_tools: fsck_tests: Add random_corrupt+fsck test

Zhihao Cheng chengzhihao1 at huawei.com
Thu Jun 6 21:26:10 PDT 2024

Inject random corruption on UBIFS image by writting random data on
kinds of mtd devices (eg. nand, nor), check the consistency of UBIFS
after fsck.
This testcase simulates random bad UBIFS image caused by hardware
exceptions(eg. ecc uncorrectable, unwritten), and makes sure that
fsck.ubifs could make UBIFS be consistent after repairing UBIFS

Signed-off-by: Zhihao Cheng <chengzhihao1 at huawei.com>
 .gitignore                                         |   1 +
 configure.ac                                       |   3 +-
 tests/ubifs_tools-tests/Makemodule.am              |   3 +-
 .../fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh.in         | 206 +++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh.in

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1d150f7a..203f01f0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_mount_fsck_check.sh
 # Files generated by autotools
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 1a7174a5..545fcc41 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -295,7 +295,8 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([tests/fs-tests/fs_help_all.sh
-	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_powercut_mount_fsck.sh])
+	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_powercut_mount_fsck.sh
+	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh])
diff --git a/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/Makemodule.am b/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/Makemodule.am
index 2c190e2b..9881ebbe 100644
--- a/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/Makemodule.am
+++ b/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/Makemodule.am
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ test_SCRIPTS += \
 	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_mount_fsck_check.sh \
 	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/powercut_fsck_mount.sh \
 	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_corrupted_fsck_fault_inject.sh \
-	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_powercut_mount_fsck.sh
+	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/cycle_powercut_mount_fsck.sh \
+	tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh
diff --git a/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh.in b/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh.in
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..64760c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ubifs_tools-tests/fsck_tests/random_corrupted_fsck.sh.in
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# Copyright (c), 2024, Huawei Technologies Co, Ltd.
+# Author: Zhihao Cheng <chengzhihao1 at huawei.com>
+# Test Description:
+# For many kinds of flash, do following things
+#  1. mount UBIFS
+#  2. fsstress && unmount
+#  3. inject corruption into UBIFS image randomly
+#  3. fsck UBIFS
+#  4. check UBIFS mounting result
+# Running time: 1h
+source $TESTBINDIR/common.sh
+function run_test()
+	local simulator="$1";
+	local size="$2";
+	local peb_size="$3";
+	local page_size="$4";
+	local encryption=$5;
+	echo "======================================================================"
+	printf "%s" "$simulator: ${size}MiB PEB size ${peb_size}KiB"
+	if [ "$simulator" = "nandsim" ]; then
+		printf " %s" "page size ${page_size}Bytes"
+	fi
+	printf " $encryption\n"
+	if [ "$simulator" = "nandsim" ]; then
+		$TESTBINDIR/load_nandsim.sh "$size" "$peb_size" "$page_size" || echo "cannot load nandsim";
+		mtdnum="$(find_mtd_device "$nandsim_patt")"
+	elif [ "$simulator" = "mtdram" ]; then
+		load_mtdram "$size" "$peb_size" || echo "cannot load mtdram"
+		mtdnum="$(find_mtd_device "$mtdram_patt")"
+	else
+		fatal "$simulator is not supported"
+	fi
+	flash_eraseall /dev/mtd$mtdnum
+	modprobe ubi mtd="$mtdnum,$page_size" || fatal "modprobe ubi fail"
+	ubimkvol -N vol_test -m -n 0 /dev/ubi$UBI_NUM || fatal "mkvol fail"
+	modprobe ubifs || fatal "modprobe ubifs fail"
+	mount_ubifs $DEV $MNT || fatal "mount ubifs fail"
+	if [[ "$encryption" == "encrypted" ]]; then
+		encryption_gen_key
+		encryption_set_key $MNT
+	fi
+	fsstress -d $MNT -l0 -p4 -n10000 &
+	while true;
+	do
+		per=`df -Th | grep ubifs | awk '{print $6}'`;
+		if [[ ${per%?} -gt 95 ]]; then
+			# Used > 95%
+			break;
+		fi
+	done
+	ps -e | grep -w fsstress > /dev/null 2>&1
+	while [ $? -eq 0 ]
+	do
+		killall -9 fsstress > /dev/null 2>&1
+		sleep 1
+		ps -e | grep -w fsstress > /dev/null 2>&1
+	done
+	while true
+	do
+		res=`mount | grep "$MNT"`
+		if [[ "$res" == "" ]]
+		then
+			break;
+		fi
+		umount $MNT
+		sleep 0.1
+	done
+	# injection
+	times=$((RANDOM % 10))
+	let times=$times+10
+	i=0
+	tot_peb=`cat /sys/class/ubi/ubi$UBI_NUM/total_eraseblocks`;
+	modprobe -r ubifs
+	modprobe -r ubi # Stop wear-leveling & erasing worker
+	while [[ $i -lt $times ]]
+	do
+		let i=$i+1;
+		peb=$((RANDOM % $tot_peb));
+		pg=`expr $peb_size \* 1024`;
+		peb_off=`expr $pg \* $peb`
+		pages=`expr $pg / $page_size`;
+		pg=`expr $pages - 2`;
+		pg=$((RANDOM % $pg));
+		pg_off=`expr $pg + 2`;
+		pg_start=`expr $pages \* $peb`;
+		pg=`expr $pg_start + $pg_off`;
+		vid_pg=`expr $pg_start + 1`;
+		dd if=/dev/mtd$mtdnum of=$TMP_FILE bs=$page_size skip=$vid_pg count=1 2>/dev/null;
+		content=`cat $TMP_FILE | grep UBI!`; # vid header magic
+		if [[ "$content" == "" ]]; then
+			# Skip free PEB, otherwise data could be overwritten in UBIFS
+			continue;
+		fi
+		if [[ $((RANDOM % 2)) == 0 ]]; then
+			# Corrupts 1 page
+			dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mtd$mtdnum bs=$page_size seek=$pg count=1;
+		else
+			# Erase 1 LEB, TNC points to an unmapped area
+			flash_erase /dev/mtd$mtdnum $peb_off 1
+		fi
+	done
+	rm -f $TMP_FILE 2>/dev/null
+	sync
+	skip=0
+	modprobe ubi mtd="$mtdnum,$page_size"
+	ret=$?
+	if [[ $ret != 0 ]]
+	then
+		skip=1
+		echo "UBI layout volume is corrupted, skip"
+	fi
+	if [[ $skip == 0 ]]; then
+		modprobe ubifs || fatal "modprobe ubifs2 fail"
+		dmesg -c > /dev/null
+		fsck.ubifs -yb $DEV 2>&1 > $LOG_FILE
+		res=$?
+		cat $LOG_FILE
+		let "ret=$res&~$FSCK_NONDESTRUCT"
+		if [[ $ret != $FSCK_OK ]]
+		then
+			# Skip superblock error
+			log=`cat $LOG_FILE | grep "bad node at LEB 0:"`
+			if [[ "$log" != "" ]]
+			then
+				skip=1
+				echo "SB is corrupted, skip fsck & mounting"
+			else
+				fatal "fsck fail $res"
+			fi
+		fi
+		if [[ $skip == 0 ]]; then
+			enable_chkfs
+			mount_ubifs $DEV $MNT "noauthentication" "noatime"
+			res=$?
+			if [[ $res != 0 ]]
+			then
+				fatal "mount fail $res"
+			fi
+			if [[ "$encryption" == "encrypted" ]]; then
+				# Ignore the encrypting error, root dir could be
+			        # corrupted, the new root dir cannot be
+			        # encrypted because it is not empty.
+				encryption_set_key $MNT 1
+			fi
+			du -sh $MNT > /dev/null  # Make sure all files are accessible
+			ret=$?
+			if [[ $ret != 0 ]]; then
+				fatal "Cannot access all files"
+			fi
+			# check_err_msg is not suggested in this testcase, because
+			# ubi_io_read(triggered by wear_leveling_worker -> ubi_eba_copy_leb)
+			# could print stack if ecc uncorrectable errors are detected.
+			umount $MNT
+			res=$?
+			if [[ $res != 0 ]]
+			then
+				fatal "unmount fail $res"
+			fi
+		fi
+		modprobe -r ubifs
+		modprobe -r ubi
+	fi
+	modprobe -r $simulator
+	echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+start_t=$(date +%s)
+echo "Do random_corrruption+fsck+mount test in kinds of flashes"
+for simulator in "mtdram" "nandsim"; do
+	for encryption in "encrypted" "noencrypted"; do
+		run_test "$simulator" "16" "16" "512" $encryption
+		run_test "$simulator" "64" "16" "512" $encryption
+		run_test "$simulator" "128" "64" "2048" $encryption
+		run_test "$simulator" "256" "128" "2048" $encryption
+		run_test "$simulator" "512" "128" "2048" $encryption
+		run_test "$simulator" "1024" "512" "2048" $encryption
+	done
+end_t=$(date +%s)
+time_cost=$(( end_t - start_t ))
+echo "Success, cost $time_cost seconds"
+exit 0

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