[PATCH 00/15] improve function-level documentation
Julia Lawall
Julia.Lawall at lip6.fr
Sat Oct 1 12:46:17 PDT 2016
These patches fix cases where the documentation above a function definition
is not consistent with the function header. Issues are detected using the
semantic patch below (http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/). Basically, the semantic
patch parses a file to find comments, then matches each function header,
and checks that the name and parameter list in the function header are
compatible with the comment that preceeds it most closely.
// <smpl>
let tbl = ref []
let fnstart = ref []
let success = Hashtbl.create 101
let thefile = ref ""
let parsed = ref []
let nea = ref []
let parse file =
thefile := List.nth (Str.split (Str.regexp "linux-next/") file) 1;
let i = open_in file in
let startline = ref 0 in
let fn = ref "" in
let ids = ref [] in
let rec inside n =
let l = input_line i in
let n = n + 1 in
match Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string "*/") l with
before::after::_ ->
(if not (!fn = "")
then tbl := (!startline,n,!fn,List.rev !ids)::!tbl);
startline := 0;
fn := "";
ids := [];
outside n
| _ ->
(match Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") l with
"*"::name::rest ->
let len = String.length name in
(if !fn = "" && len > 2 && String.sub name (len-2) 2 = "()"
then fn := String.sub name 0 (len-2)
else if !fn = "" && (not (rest = [])) && List.hd rest = "-"
if String.get name (len-1) = ':'
then fn := String.sub name 0 (len-1)
else fn := name
else if not(!fn = "") && len > 2 &&
String.get name 0 = '@' && String.get name (len-1) = ':'
then ids := (String.sub name 1 (len-2)) :: !ids);
| _ -> ());
inside n
and outside n =
let l = input_line i in
let n = n + 1 in
if String.length l > 2 && String.sub l 0 3 = "/**"
startline := n;
inside n
else outside n in
try outside 0 with End_of_file -> ()
let hashadd tbl k v =
let cell =
try Hashtbl.find tbl k
with Not_found ->
let cell = ref [] in
Hashtbl.add tbl k cell;
cell in
cell := v :: !cell
tbl := [];
fnstart := [];
Hashtbl.clear success;
parsed := [];
nea := [];
parse (List.hd (Coccilib.files()))
identifier f;
position p;
f at p(...) { ... }
p << r.p;
f << r.f;
parsed := f :: !parsed;
fnstart := (List.hd p).line :: !fnstart
identifier f;
type T;
identifier i;
parameter list[n] ps;
parameter list[n1] ps1;
position p;
f at p(ps,T i,ps1) { ... }
tbl := List.rev (List.sort compare !tbl)
p << param.p;
f << param.f;
let myline = (List.hd p).line in
let prevline =
(fun prev x ->
if x < myline
then max x prev
else prev)
0 !fnstart in
let _ =
(function (st,fn,nm,ids) ->
if prevline < st && myline > st && prevline < fn && myline > fn
(if not (String.lowercase f = String.lowercase nm)
Printf.printf "%s:%d %s doesn't match preceding comment: %s\n"
!thefile myline f nm);
else false)
!tbl in
p << param.p;
n << param.n;
n1 << param.n1;
i << param.i;
f << param.f;
let myline = (List.hd p).line in
let prevline =
(fun prev x ->
if x < myline
then max x prev
else prev)
0 !fnstart in
let _ =
(function (st,fn,nm,ids) ->
if prevline < st && myline > st && prevline < fn && myline > fn
(if List.mem i ids then hashadd success (st,fn,nm) i);
(if ids = [] (* arg list seems not obligatory *)
then ()
else if not (List.mem i ids)
Printf.printf "%s:%d %s doesn't appear in ids: %s\n"
!thefile myline i (String.concat " " ids)
else if List.length ids <= n || List.length ids <= n1
(if not (List.mem f !nea)
nea := f :: !nea;
Printf.printf "%s:%d %s not enough args\n" !thefile myline f;
let foundid = List.nth ids n in
let efoundid = List.nth (List.rev ids) n1 in
if not(foundid = i || efoundid = i)
Printf.printf "%s:%d %s wrong arg in position %d: %s\n"
!thefile myline i n foundid);
else false)
!tbl in
(function (st,fn,nm,ids) ->
if List.mem nm !parsed
let entry =
try !(Hashtbl.find success (st,fn,nm))
with Not_found -> [] in
(fun id ->
if not (List.mem id entry) && not (id = "...")
then Printf.printf "%s:%d %s not used\n" !thefile st id)
// </smpl>
drivers/clk/keystone/pll.c | 4 ++--
drivers/clk/sunxi/clk-mod0.c | 2 +-
drivers/clk/tegra/cvb.c | 10 +++++-----
drivers/dma-buf/sw_sync.c | 6 +++---
drivers/gpu/drm/gma500/intel_i2c.c | 3 +--
drivers/gpu/drm/omapdrm/omap_drv.c | 4 ++--
drivers/irqchip/irq-metag-ext.c | 1 -
drivers/irqchip/irq-vic.c | 1 -
drivers/mfd/tc3589x.c | 4 ++--
drivers/power/supply/ab8500_fg.c | 8 ++++----
drivers/power/supply/abx500_chargalg.c | 1 +
drivers/power/supply/intel_mid_battery.c | 2 +-
drivers/power/supply/power_supply_core.c | 4 ++--
fs/crypto/crypto.c | 4 ++--
fs/crypto/fname.c | 4 ++--
fs/ubifs/file.c | 2 +-
fs/ubifs/gc.c | 2 +-
fs/ubifs/lprops.c | 2 +-
fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c | 4 +---
fs/ubifs/replay.c | 2 +-
lib/kobject_uevent.c | 6 +++---
lib/lru_cache.c | 4 ++--
lib/nlattr.c | 2 +-
23 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
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