Dongsheng Yang dongsheng.yang at
Fri Aug 19 03:30:13 PDT 2016

Hi Richard.

On 08/19/2016 05:47 PM, Richard Weinberger wrote:
> Yang,
> Sorry when I ask already answered questions, the mail thread
> grows faster than I can type. ;)
> On 19.08.2016 11:08, Dongsheng Yang wrote:
>> But how can we handle the multiple chips problem? Some drivers
>> are combining multiple chips to one single mtd device, what the
>> mtd_concat is doing.
> mtd_concat is a horrid and old hack which was used to combine very
> small flashes.
>>> One last question? What's the real goal of this MTD-RAID layer? If
>>> that's about addressing the MLC/TLC NAND reliability problems, I don't
>>> think it's such a good idea.
>> Oh, that's not the main problem I want to solve. RAID-1 is just a possible
>>   extension base on my RAID framework.
>> This work is started for only RAID0, which is used to take the use of lots
>> of flash to improve performance. Then I refactored it to a MTD RAID
>> framework. Then we can implement other raid level for mtd.
>> Example:
>>      In our production, there are 40+ chips attached on one pcie card.
>> Then we need to simulate all of them into one mtd device. At the same
>> time, we need to consider how to manage these chips. Finally we chose
>> a RAID0 mode for them. And got a great performance result.
>> So, the multiple chips scenario is the original problem I want to solve. And
>> then I found I can refactor it for other RAID-levels.
> Are your chips NAND flash?
> Combining non-NAND is not that hard, mtd_concat does already.
> With NAND, as Boris pointed out, it will become complicated.

Yes, it's NAND, but I think this layer will be working for all MTD devices.
> So, what you propose as MTD RAID is not really RAID.
> RAID is about redundant disks. i.e. you can replace them upon failure.
> The problem you address is combining multiple chips.
> IOW an SSD emulated in software.

Yes, the original idea is from it, but I am wishing to implement a
real RAID for mtd now. Although we are only using RAID0 in
our production. I am glad to implement other RAID-levels in community.

And yes, sounds not easy for NAND devices. But I will to figure
out the solutions for these problems Boris pointed out.

BTW, what's the other idea to solve the reliability problem in MLC 
currently in community.

> I think we don't need replication on MTD. An improved mtd_concat
> does not sound bad but a proper implementation has to deal with
> all the nastiness of NAND.
> Thanks,
> //richard
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