Does UBIFS NAND ECC info get stored in OOB?

Steve deRosier derosier at
Fri Jan 2 10:12:05 PST 2015


On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 6:15 PM, hujianyang <hujianyang at> wrote:
> On 2014/12/31 3:44, Steve deRosier wrote:
>> I'm starting to assume that you're simply saying that UBIFS itself
>> doesn't use the OOB area, nor even handles the ECC itself, but that's
>> up to the chip driver layer. And that the driver will handle the ECC
>> and OOB as appropriate.  Am I correct?
> Yes, you are right.
> UBIFS doesn't directly write to OOB area. MTD or nand controller is
> responsible to the data management in OOB area.

Thanks for your answer, I was looking to see if I interpreted it right
and it looks like that's the case.

> I think the announce "neither UBIFS nor UBI use OOB area" is compared
> to the filesystem which directly write data to OOB area across the
> interface provided by lower layer. For example, Yaffs2? I not sure
> of it.

I have no clue. I'm glad that UBIFS doesn't use OOB for it's own
meta-data because I'm about to up our ECC strength to 8-bit, which
will take up nearly all the OOB area.  I was just worried that it
meant that it was keeping and doing ECC elsewhere, and I wanted to
know how it was doing that.

- Steve

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