jffs2 usage question: nandwrite

K Richard Pixley rpixley at graphitesystems.com
Thu Nov 6 18:47:43 PST 2014

I'm a newbie to flash file systems and I've spent my day reading. 
However, I seem to be missing something.

Several sets of instructions encourage me to build my file system using 
mkfs.jffs2, which I understand creates an image, (akin to mkisofs), 
rather than operating on a device file.  However, once I have the image, 
they recommend placing the image onto flash using nandwrite.

I can't find any doc on nandwrite, but I'm guessing that it does a "bad 
block aware" sequential copy, meaning that it simply skips any blocks 
that it recognizes as bad according to a manufacturer mark. Assuming so, 
doesn't this hole in my fresh jffs2 file system cause jffs2 grief?  I 
mean, it would cause most other file systems grief to have an extra 
block inserted in the middle of their block sequence.

What am I missing?


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