Charles Hardin ckhardin at exablox.com
Wed Oct 10 13:31:08 EDT 2012


So, in working with the latest linux MTD driver updates to support BCH ECC and other requirements for MLC NAND parts, I noticed something that was a bit odd from the data sheets and a few conversations with some Flash Hardware engineers that bit errors are expected in the OOB area as well.

For instance, on a MT29F16G08CBACA - the error correction is stated in the data sheet to be 24-bit over 1080 bytes (which I thought was a typo and should have been 1024).

This makes sense once you get the stats of the NAND part that is 

Page Size: 4096
OOB: 224
Total: 4096 + 224 = 4320
From the data sheet: 1080 * 4 = 4320

After testing the NAND I did find bit errors in the OOB (the bad block marker pattern in particular) so ECC is required over the "mtd->writesize + mtd->oobsize".

This is not supported in the latest mtd drivers in the 3.6 or 3.5 because of some assumptions in nand_base.c like…

int nand_scan_tail(struct mtd_info *mtd)
	… snip snip snip …

         * Set the number of read / write steps for one page depending on ECC
         * mode.
        chip->ecc.steps = mtd->writesize / chip->ecc.size;
        if (chip->ecc.steps * chip->ecc.size != mtd->writesize) {
                pr_warn("Invalid ECC parameters\n");
        chip->ecc.total = chip->ecc.steps * chip->ecc.bytes;

	… snip snip snip …

This assumption that the ecc is only over the "write size" might permeate more of the code, so I really have two questions
- Is anyone already working on handling ECC including the OOB as well?
- Is the expectation that this is going to have to be flagged as specific to MLC or a generic relayout of the ECC when using BCH over the entire data set instead of the write payload alone?

Charles Hardin

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