CRC error when mounting UBIFS

Leo Barnes barnes.leo at
Fri Jun 4 13:35:27 EDT 2010

> The way to fix this is to make UBI/UBIFS use arrays of pages instead. Or
> array of 2, 4, 8, etc pages, or it may be flexible and contain a field
> which describes the allocation order. And then UBI/UBIFS code should be
> amended correspondingly.
> This will need some effort, but I think a skilled engineer would do this
> relatively quickly. We are not actively working on UBI/UBIFS now, so we
> will unlikely implement this, but I'd be happy to help someone else to
> do this.
> Many people ask about small features like security xattrs, or NFS
> support, or DMA friendliness, but it is strange that people want ready
> solutions instead of investing a bit of time and just implementing this.

Sounds good, I might take a crack at it, I have been looking for some
way to contribute to the linux kernel.

Have I understood the UBI code correctly in that only the
ubi->peb_buf1, ubi->peb_buf2 and ubi->dbg_peb_buf are ever sent to the
mtd->read/write functions? Currently at home and dont really have
anything to test code in.

Does UBIFS ever access the mtd-layer directly?

Best regards,

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