giving room for Linux filesystems on MLC/SLC

Emmanuel Michon emmanuel.michon at
Tue Oct 20 06:56:45 EDT 2009


we're preparing in my company the software for a general purpose (.5K,
2K, 4KB page)
hardware MLC/SLC controller, especially how we're going to
choose the byte offsets of a page+spare for `metadata' and `bad
blocks' (those are excluded by our ECC check hardware).

0                                               4096+epsilon
| metadata | data | bb info | data

Our primary goal is to be compatible with our proprietary filesystem,
but if we can enable Linux family of MTD FS with little effort, let's
prepare it

`bad block' information is a hardware stuff (unconsistently, poorly)
documented to be near the start of spare area.

For some reason we have this 4 byte metadata at the start of each
page. Does this software concept apply to ubifs and friends and should
it be sized differently?

Btw, any success stories about UBIFS+MLC since the FAQ report on this topic?

Très sincèrement,


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