Mounting Flash Partition

Rahanesh rahanesh at
Mon Aug 24 08:50:11 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I have created a new partition in flash by editing the following 
structure. I have added the 3 item(CONFIG ). field.

static struct mtd_partition partition_info[]={
        .name = "Bootloader",
        .size = 0x40000,
        .offset = 0
        .name = "JFFS",
        .size = 0x730000,
          .offset = 0x40000
      .*name = "CONFIG",
        .size = 0x50000,
       .offset = 0x770000*


I wanted to get the 3rd partition mounted as config directory in the 
ramdisk. How can i mount this? What is the Linux command for mounting a 
partition in flash.?

Expecting help on this!!!!!


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