Porting to Intel P33 flash

Alexey Korolev akorolev at infradead.org
Fri May 16 08:59:43 EDT 2008


> Funny you say that...  I just modified the code where it checks CFI
> version  and it seems to be working without further modification. I've not
> tested much though so I may have more to do. I do have to write to this
> but not much.
> James
It is good to hear this. Please check number of RWW partitons
(numvirtchips variable) and 9th bit of extp->FeatureSupport. 
Everything is Ok if numvirtchips == 1 or extp->FeatureSupport bit 9 is 0.

As I remember some versions of MTD prior to 2.6.17 had
problems with CFI offset calculation. It led chip to be identified as
multiple partitioned device when it should have 1 partiton. 


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