Confirm Reciept............Lucky Winner

LOTTERY BOARD stt_msg at
Wed Oct 24 11:00:41 EDT 2007

You are a winner of the UK National lottery online program that was
held on the 25th of September 2007. You have been approved to claim a sum of £500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds ) in cash
credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. Ticket number: 56475600545 188 with
Serial number 5368/02, Batch: 074/05/ZY369. 

Contact our claims agent by 
email:worldwide_overseaclaimsdept01 at, 
Mr.WILLIAMS SPENCER.Provide him with the following informations to
claim your prize. Full Name: Address: phone Number: Country of residence: Sex: Age: Occupation: 
Congratulations On behalf of all members of the Lottery foundation. 

Yours Truly, 
Sir. Genny Beckerry. 
Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme)

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