newbie needs help getting onenand to work...

Kyungmin Park kmpark at
Thu Jun 7 22:24:26 EDT 2007

> Hi List,
> I'm trying to get a Samsung KFH4G16Q2M Onenand to work with the
> Freescale i.MX31.  I'm using a modified version of the tree
> available on the freescale website.
> Basically i have yet to get anywhere.  I've enabled the MTD and
> OneNand drivers in the kernel  but thats about it.  Interestingly, i
> don't see any sort of indication that the OneNand drivers are even
> getting initialized in any way during kernel boot.
> I know that i'm going to need to somehow explain to the kernel where
> to look for my oneNand device, and what to look for, but i haven't
> figured out how to do this.  There's quite a lot out there on NAND
> and NOR devices of course, but i'm not clear on what needs to be the
> same and different for a OneNand part.  I spent all day yesterday
> searching for any sort of documentation either online or in the code,
> and found very little talking about oneNand.  Today i'm looking
> through the code trying to put together what i need to do, but was
> hoping someone might be able to help me, either by pointing me to a
> preexisting document, or by quickly telling me what steps i need to
> take/what i need to define to get this to work.

There's OneNAND reference board, Apollon.
linux/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-apollon.c [1]

First, you define mtd partitions.
Second, define the OneNAND address at struct resource.
Third, register struct platform_device with namd "onenand"

static struct platform_device apollon_onenand_device = {
        .name           = "onenand",
        .id             = -1,
        .dev            = {
                .platform_data  = &apollon_flash_data,
        .num_resources  = ARRAY_SIZE(apollon_flash_resource),
        .resource       = apollon_flash_resource,

Finally, you can see some message at boot.

Muxed OneNAND 256MB 1.8V 16-bit (0x40)
Scanning device for bad blocks
Bad eraseblock 411 at 0x03360000
Bad eraseblock 716 at 0x05980000
Bad eraseblock 1176 at 0x09300000
Creating 6 MTD partitions on "onenand":
0x00000000-0x00020000 : "X-Loader + U-Boot"
0x00020000-0x00040000 : "params"
0x00040000-0x00240000 : "kernel"
0x00240000-0x01240000 : "rootfs"
0x01240000-0x03240000 : "filesystem00"
0x03240000-0x10000000 : "filesystem01"

As Nishanth Menon wrote omap2430sdp for reference but it is OMAP2 specific. It's
not work on other architectures. Also it's not yet merged mtd tree.

Thank you,
Kyungmin Park


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