LogFS take four

Alexander Belyakov abelyako at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 6 09:50:44 EDT 2007

On 6/3/07, Jörn Engel <joern at lazybastard.org> wrote:
> This round the patch is split into file-sized hunks.  There actually
> seem to be kernel developers not manly enough to digest 6000+ lines of
> code at once.  An I thought I was the only wimp around.
> [...]

Small question about compr.c. Sorry not posting in proper thread -
just have no original message to reply to.

Why do you use __exit macros with logfs_compr_exit()? You will get an
build-time error if logfs is compiled as part of the kernel (not
module) just because logfs_init() calls logfs_compr_exit().


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