[OT?] File system recommendation for SD cards

Wolfgang Mües wolfgang.mues at auerswald.de
Fri May 19 03:24:49 EDT 2006

Hello Albrecht,

Am Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2006 12:15 schrieb Albrecht Dreß:
> After reading a Sandisk whitepaper about wear levelling [1] I thought
> about using a standard vfat file system on it (mainly to have the
> ability to remove the sd card and to read it on a Winbloze pc).
> However, I read a report that using a sync vfat fs could lead to fast
> corruption of the SD card [2].

Why don't you use async vfat (standard up to 2.6.13(?)), because vfat has
not implemented the sync option until then.

I've had no problems with it - dirty data is written to sd very fast.


Wolfgang Muees                    Vor den Grashoefen 1
Auerswald GmbH & Co. KG       	  D-38162 Cremlingen
Hardware Development              Germany
Tel +49 5306 9219 0               Fax +49 5306 9219 94

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