Significance of Sector size while using the mkfs.jffs2 utility

Pankaj GOYAL pankaj.goyal at
Tue May 31 00:38:30 EDT 2005

	I m using the 16MB nand flash which has a block size of 16KB and the page size of 512byte with 16byte oob.I have created three partition on my NAND of 1MB(bootloader) 5MB(root filesystem) and 10MB(user filesystem).I m making the root filesystem image using the cross compiled (for ARM) mkfs.jffs2 utility (with the erasesize as 16KB and sector size 512 byte)to make a jffs2 filesystem image.But the jffs2 image exceeds the size of 5MB.Then I try to with different sector sizes and obeserve that with the sector size of 4KB ,I m able to make the jffs2 image of less then 5MB.
	I want to ask that is it safe to specify the sector size of 4KB while my nand has the page size of 512 byte only.Also I want to know that what is the use of the option -p during the use of mkfs.jffs2 utility.Is is necessary to use this option.What if I do not specify this flag.

Thanks and regards

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