Compilng GRUB with DOC patch

brent at brent at
Thu May 12 23:50:28 EDT 2005

Hello all.  I have been attempting to patch grub sources with DOC pathces
to get a grub_fireware file.  Althrough one patch patches cleanly (the
grub-0.92-doc.patch on the GRUB 0.92 sources), NONE of them have produced a
grub-firmware file in the stage1 directory.

I do the following:

patch -p0 < name_of_patch.patch

At this point most of them complain about "hunks" failing, with exception
of the grub-0.92-doc.patch with grub sources, version 0.92.

aclocal && automake && autoconf

./conifgure --enable-diskonchip-2000 --enable-ext2fs --disable-ffs
--disable-xfs --disable-jfs --disable-vstafs --disable-reiserfs
--disable-minix --disable-fat


I have tried the above with grub sources versions 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, and
0.97 and have tried the patch I mentioned above as well as
grub-2002-10-08.patch and grub-2003-01-08-doc.patch.

The example which I am following uses the grub-2002-02-19-doc.patch, and it
is reported to function properly.  Does anyone know where I could obtain
this patch?  I am using an x86 board, I wonder if I could just get a
grub_fireware image?  If so, could someone send me one?  Or does anyone
know of a good combinatioin of sources/patch or a way to tweak one or the
other to get them to play nice together?  

Thanks in advance.

-Brent Roberts

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