Inquiry From Gerald

gdnixon1 at gdnixon1 at
Thu May 5 18:26:53 EDT 2005

Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Gerald Nixon, I write to inform you of my desire to acquire properties 
Hence i am contacting you if you would agree to assist me in other to actualize 
this transaction. the funds to carry out this proposed investments is presently 
lodged in a finance security firm i honestly request your assistance to provide 
for me a safe account in your country to receive the money before we can put 
the funds into use. The total sum is 4.5Million Great Britain Pounds.  
As soon as the amount mentioned above is successfully transferred into your 
account, you can go ahead in buying the properties. It might interest you to 
note that transaction of such may raise suspicion of irrationality but i assure 
you it will be executed safely without breaching our limited personal integrity 
that we have in one way or the other aspire to protect. So let us allow trust 
to play a very minimal role until performance is seen.  Thank you in 
anticipation of your co-operation.
Best Regards,
Mr. Gerald Nixon

Note: I have set aside 25% of this fund to consult your assistance.

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