error while including support for mtdchar devices

Nupur nupurj at
Tue Jul 19 01:08:52 EDT 2005

I am trying to make Linux 2.6.10 work with MTD support. I am compiling the

kernel on the host platform (Desktop computer) and then will be porting

it on target platform. Though, whenever I include the support for mtdchar

device, I get errors and the kernel wont compile.

The error being:
in function 'mtd_notify_add': undefined reference to 'class_device_create'

in function 'mtd_notify_remove': undefined reference to

in function 'init_mtdchar': undefined reference to 'class_create'

in function 'cleanup_mtdchar': undefined reference to 'class_destroy'

I checked in mtdchar.c, there is a call to the above functions but I could

find the definition of these functions in my kernel.  One thing more I would

like to mention is that when I include mtdchar as module the kernel compiles

with similar warnings of course, but then to erase an mtd device I don't

have the utility eraseall. It says the command is not recognized.

I understand that I am missing something, but what I am missing is not clear
to me.

Can you please help?

Thanks and regards,


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