NAND write buffering

Bernhard Priewasser priewasser at
Mon Dec 12 09:39:41 EST 2005


>>> JFFS2 is claimed to be powerfail-safe. That's true as far it will 
>>> _always_ mount, nodes are CRC-protected and scanned at Mount/GC.
>>> But what about write buffering on NAND? Doesn't this break lots of 
>>> the powerfailsafe-efforts? All the data in the writebuffer will be 
>>> lost. Assuming we are updating a logfile with small data portions. 
>>> The portions accumulate in wbuf, waiting to reach c->wbuf_pagesize so 
>>> that the buffer is written to flash. Powerfail: all these small 
>>> updates can be lost. Hm...
>> I think you are right. But anyway, if you call "sync" all data will be 
>> flushed. Unfortunatelly NAND can be written only by page, so the end 
>> of the wbuf will be filled a padding node. It is a little flash 
>> wasting, but the data will be written out immediatelly.

When is NAND wbuf flushed?


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