compile failed.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Fri Oct 1 05:05:44 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 00:09 -0400, Jim Nelson wrote:
> A question from a relative newbie (just getting started in kernel 
> hacking) - is there a focus on 2.6 development exclusively in this list 
> or is there some attempt to maintain 2.4 compatibility?  Although I can 
> understand either way, I'd like to know if there needs to be an effort 
> to maintain backwards compatibility.

There's maybe an _attempt_ but no _effort_. That is; if we can easily
choose to make changes in a way which doesn't make it break on 2.4 we
will, but we won't go to any _trouble_.

The 2.4 kernel is an old, stable kernel. If it works for you that's
great and you should continue using it. If it _doesn't_ then you should
be using 2.6.

> Patch to drivers/mtd/chips/amd_flash.c included.

I left that broken on purpose. That driver has been obsoleted by
jedec_probe and the CFI command set driver.


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