NetSC520 Demo board Network IP Problem

Kishore kishoreseera at
Tue Mar 2 04:51:35 EST 2004

dear All,
                      I'm working on NetSC520 demonstration board with Elan
SC520 microcontroller. I downloaded the zfi.bin (kernel Image) and
FlashFs.bin (File system) from the AMD site and loaded both the binaries
onto the target.  In the /etc/rc.d/inid.d directory there is S20network
file. In the file the IP address of the target board is defined as
163.181.x.x.  Now I want to change the IP address to 192.168.16.x. How
should I change the IP address of the target board. I don't have the source
files for the Flash File system. Or anyone who worked on the above board,
please help me to build a flash file system. Anybody's reply would be
helpful to me.

with Regards,

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