Intel 28F640 cfi_cmdset_0001 chip is FL_STATUS after MTD_close

Cam camilo at
Wed Feb 11 10:17:17 EST 2004


I hope I have the right list for this question.

I'm looking into a problem with some Intel 28F640 flash on a powerPC 
board. I find that the cfi_cmdset_0001 code leaves the flash in the 
FL_STATUS state after MTD_close. The chips remain in this state which 
leaves the memory unreadable.

I would have expected the flash to be left in the read array state when 
not in use.

I think the chip status in the driver and that in the chip is in sync, 
ie. the driver is deliberately leaving the chip in this state.

I found a previous reference to a similar problem:

The problem described there is more serious in that the chip and the 
driver seem to get out of step with regards to the FL_STATUS state.

Is there a reason why the chip is not left in the read array state after 
an MTD_close? My first thought is to modify cfi_intelext_sync, called by 
MTD_close so that the chip is left in the read array state after the 
sync command, but being a newcomer to this code I might be missing 
something important.


camilo at                                                 <--

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