mounting mtd device

Cam Mayor cmayor at
Tue Sep 23 17:54:36 EDT 2003

On Tuesday 23 September 2003 13:42, Steve Brockway wrote:
> Hello All, I am new to this type of mailing list.
> I need help mounting a JFFS2. Not sure of the correct steps. The underlying
> MTD structure is working.
> Below is a part of a boot sequence and the the output of
> cat /proc/mtd.
> What is the next step to mount a JFFS2?

1) read through mtd-jffs-HOWTO.txt for the answer
2) beware using more than 8 (ie. 0-7) mtd partitions.  mtdblock devices don't 
go higher than that.  (or so it seems)
3) for new questions, start a new subject line without hitting the reply 

Cameron Mayor
Iders Incorporated

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