Different nand interface

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Mon Oct 27 15:00:06 EST 2003

On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 10:25 -0800, Alice Hennessy wrote (modulo newlines):
> Yes, I am looking at the current code which is more modular so it
> gives me hope.
> There are 2 nand chips on the board.  If you want to read from the
> 0x100th byte on chip 1 you need to do readb(chip1_base + 0x100);  if
> you want to write the 0x10000th byte on chip 2 you need to do
> writeb(chip2_base + 0x10000,bytedata).
> The chips are 16M X 8 bit and  are mapped in a contiguous 32 M byte
> memory space with 0-16M for chip1 and 16-32M for chip2.

That's weird. How are the out-of-band areas accessed? How do you send
commands like READ_ID and ERASE?


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