Possible GRUB problem: [Was: DiskOnChip MD2202-D256]

Mark Meade mark at lakeshoremicro.com
Sun May 25 11:16:37 EDT 2003

On Sunday 25 May 2003 05:27 am, Oskar Stolc wrote:
> - the following step was to build GRUB with DiskOnChip support:
> 	wget ftp://alpla.gnu.org/gnu/grub/grub-0.92.tar.gz
> 	tar xzvf grup-0.92.tar.gz
> 	cd grup-0.92
> 	cat ../mtd/patches/grub-0.92-doc.patch |patch -p1

> What am I doing incorrectly?

I would suggest trying the latest GRUB patch: grub-2003-01-08-doc.patch.  This 
has numerous changes/improvements over the 0.92 patch.

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