Flash trace...

Siddharth Choudhuri choudhri at cs.tamu.edu
Mon Mar 24 13:23:16 EST 2003

I am trying to get a trace/log of all reads, writes and erase made to
flash. I added some printk in mtdchar.c [mtd_write() function] and
mtdblock.c [handle_mtdblock_request() function], but I do not see any
messages on console. I have klogd and syslog running too. 

I am running jffs2 on / and did a couple of file I/Os to look for console
logs. Am I putting the printk in wrong  places ? I thought the mtdchar.c
and mtdblock.c should be the closest thing to flash as all flash I/O
requests would eventually go through these.


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