cfi_cmdset_00001.c problems

Allen Curtis acurtis at
Mon Jun 23 23:33:19 EDT 2003

I am having problems with Intel Strata CFI support. The problem is in 
cfi_cmdset_00001.c. It appears that this has been broken since CVS version 
1.115. Attached is a log file that shows the output from the drivers with 
verbose output. Basically, it looks like there is a problem when you erase 
a block and then call put_chip(). The erase function leaves the status in 
FL_STATUS but put_chip() does not have a case for this state and gets very 

My original solution was to add FL_STATUS to the FL_READY state. I am quite 
sure this is wrong. Should the FL_STATUS state from get_chip() be 
duplicated in put_chip()?

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