device info in /proc/mtd

Holger Schurig h.schurig at
Thu Apr 17 09:05:38 EDT 2003

> It would be nice to be able to query
> this information at any time - a specific model of motherboard might
> socket a different chip depending on cost/availability and I'd like to
> be able to track which BIOS flash chip is being used.

For what do you need this?     Do "dmesg >/var/log/dmesg" at boot-time and you 
can grep this file whenever you want it.

Many people won't need this info, they run linux in a tightly defined 
environment where you always load the same drivers for the MTD subsystem. 
They know if the have a 49FL004 or whatever. No need to retrieve this info 
from somewhere else.

Adding fields after the output of /proc/mtd may break some applications that 
use this info, e.g. flash utilities.

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