parse_cmdline_partitions equivalent for map_info

Robert Kaiser rob at
Wed Oct 23 10:01:35 EDT 2002

Am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2002 14:07 schrieb Jörn Engel:
> Allow me to drop some ideas. Maybe someone else picks those up, before
> I do:
> - All the mapping drivers in drivers/mtd/maps are just specialized
>   and tweaked versions of physmap.c.

Not all, but most of them are (see my previous mail).

> - physmap.c was not generic enough. I wrote mphysmap.c for a reason.
> - It should be possible to provide a small api that is generic enough
>   to rewrite all the mapping drivers in <20 lines of code.

Agreed 98%: I doubt that it will be feasible to cover *all* possible 
configurations in a single generic physmap.c, so the possiblity to drop in a 
specialized mapping driver as a last resort should stay. But generally, I 
agree that there are far too many mapping drivers today.

> That's the goal. This might be the path:
> - physmap.c allows for one range only. Some drivers need multiple
>   ranges. Pick mphysmap.c or write something similar.


> - Some drivers need to cut out a small range from the middle for the
>   bootloader. They then concatenate the range before and after the
>   bootloader into one virtual partition. Find a clean solution for
>   this.

Hmm, I would have thought that mtdconcat.c does this nicely already? (Maybe 
I'm biased since I'm the author of that module, but I'm open to discussion)

> When physmap.c or any variant is generic enough to do all this, it
> needs two or three interfaces:
> - Command line, a lot of people should need that.

why not use what is there already (cmdline.c) ?

> - A c api for the "got a d-box, hit this options" type files.

Not sure what you mean by "c api", but generally, MTD is already a nightmare 
to configure for a non-guru, unless there is a specific mapping driver for 
your hardware that you can just click. So this ability to just tickbox your 
platform should definitely stay (or even be extended) when a new concept gets 


Robert Kaiser                         email: rkaiser at
Am Pfaffenstein 14                    phone: (49) 6136 9948-762
D-55270 Klein-Winternheim / Germany   fax:   (49) 6136 9948-10

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