MTD on L7205DB and AM29LV160DT

Steve Tsai startec at
Wed May 15 02:52:02 EDT 2002

You need to probe the chip in jedec_probe.c and write own map code in
maps directory. MTD distribution does not support AM29LV160DT, so you
have to tell mtd how to recognize the flash(jedec_probe.c) and how to
use your flash(yourmap.c).

Steve Tsai

Hello, I am currently trying to turn on MTD driver for above hardware 
I have turn on:
MTD core support
ROM chips in bus mapping
CFI support
physical mapping of flash chip.

but after boot my kernel, there is nothing happen to the MTD driver. It 
seems it does not working at all.

does any one can tell me what kinds of config I should use. to make it 


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