Thomas Gleixner
gleixner at autronix.de
Tue May 7 07:19:45 EDT 2002
On Tuesday, 7. May 2002 07:42, Robert Schwebel wrote:
> On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 09:47:38PM +0200, Robert Schwebel wrote:
> > can somebody give me a short pointer what has to be done to patch 2.4.18
> > with the mtd stuff from cvs?
> Too trivial...? Should it just work? If I missed a HOWTO please excuse,
> I've tried hard to find one :) A short pointer would be great.
> Is anybody currently able to compile the utilities?
Yep, I just type make in the util directory and they compile without
complains. I get the code out of CVS enter the directory patches, do
.patchin.sh with my kernel directory as argument, then change to util, type
make and that's it.
autronix automation GmbH
http://www.autronix.de gleixner at autronix.de
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