DOC millenium doesnt work anymore

nur nurpinar at
Mon Aug 12 09:37:32 EDT 2002

I have created two partitions as minix and msdos. After reboot, my kernel
printed a message as follows
Using configured DiskOnChip probe address 0ex8000
Possible Diskonchop with unknown ChipID FD found at 0xe8000
No recognised Diskonchip devices found

Anyone has faced such a problem?

Under romdos dformat /win:e800 /s:doc51.exb doesn't work
It can't find any diskonchip. dinfo /win:e800 doesnt work as well

running nftl_format after insmod nftl could harm my diskonchip? I don't
suppose, because it was ok after formating and re-booting.
I would like to know what was my mistake so that I won't do it again. Cos I
have one doc millenium left

P.S. mtd-patch-2.4.0-test12-20001218-2230GMT doesn't apply to 2.4.0 kernel.
gives many errors

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